Chapter Two

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My hands tried desperately to slide down his body and push him away but I found myself unable to.

We had to pull away because we were both out of breath, he fell back against the wall breathlessly.

"This cannot be happening" He sighed.

"Isn't there a spell or a potion that can deal with this?" I asked.

"Yes, a couple of years ago a clever wizard figured out how to reverse it, the only downside is it takes a full month to brew, even for a skilled potion maker like me" He explained.

I smirked at his 'modesty' even at a time like this. Then I snapped back into reality.

"Go and start it straight away then" I ordered.

"Bella, it's not going to be finished in time" He said shutting his eyes in thought.

"In time for what?!" I blurted out getting flustered and stressed.

"In time for what?!" I blurted out getting flustered and stressed

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"Until we...." He struggled.

"What Tom?!" I gasped.

"Have sex, Bella. It will seal our fate"

The word struck me and I grabbed Tom.

I managed this time to pull away.

"Please don't say that word, it's too tempting" I said wincing.

"Stupid curse!" Tom shouted knocking over a nearby table. The bang echoed around the room and made me jump slightly. He stormed out of the room without another word

I took a deep breath and continued to make the tea which seemed quite pointless now. Did Tom really just call it a curse? I didn't know why this disheartened me.

Once it was ready I slowly walked up to his office and put it down on his desk, I could hear him pacing in the next room, I didn't want to complicate things more so I got all my willpower together and went home.

That night all I could think about was Tom and how much I wanted him. He ran around in my dreams all night...


The next day I woke up with a start and covered in sweat.

I soon realised that I was late for the morning death eater meeting

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I soon realised that I was late for the morning death eater meeting. I sprung out of bed and threw on the closest thing I could find and apparated without even looking in the mirror.

When I landed the whole crowd stopped and looked at me.

"My lord, I am so sorry I'm late" I said in one breath.

"You gon' die" Someone whispered from behind me.

"That's okay Bella, take a seat" Tom muttered trying to avoid eye contact.

After the long meeting I was called to stay behind. Once everyone had gone Tom flicked his wand and all the doors locked, he then motioned for me to come closer to him. He smirked.

"You must have been in a hurry" He chuckled. He leaned over and buttoned up my shirt which was one button to low and exposing my bra.

"Oh god" I gasped

Tom laughed.

"It's alright, not everyone was staring"

I frowned.

"Why didn't you say something?!" I growled.

"Oh yes, I can hear it now "Bella my love, could you please do up your shirt because your distracting all the death eaters and making it extremely hard to act tough up here" He laughed.

I was so shocked by this, he was actually laughing.

"What did you want Tom?" I asked softly after a few moments

"I...I just needed to do this.." He sighed. Leaning over he pressed his lips against mine and fireworks went of just like last time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me so gently.

My whole body was tingling when he pulled away.

"It's like some other type of magic" He whispered.

"What is?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"Your touch" He breathed.

I buried my head into his chest so he couldn't see the smile that flashed across my face and the blush that exploded in my cheeks

"How did you go last night? I was worried about you" He said

I pulled my face up to meet his once again.

"It was horrible" I whispered. "I was physically sick from trying not to think about you"

He nodded in agreement. Then he leaned in and kissed me again.

"It's like a time bomb that starts when I'm away from you, only to be stopped by a kiss, a" He said softly. He gently stroked my hair and held my hand firmly with the other, making little patterns on my skin with his fingers. As they glided along the ice touch of his hands turned so warm it was like fire.

I couldn't help but lift my hands to his cheeks and I felt them burning too. I smiled and kissed his cheek, this triggered a reaction of the best kind, his whole demeanour seemed to light up

"I started working on the potion last night, it still needs three weeks plus two days of cooling.

My expression seemed to show doubt.

"We can do it okay?" Tom said calmly, he had always had a way of reassuring me.

"I need something for the night time when we are apart" I said. Tom reached into his pocket.

"Sleeping pills, only take two, they ease it a bit" He said handing me the bottle.

"There's only two in here, what about tomorrow night?" I asked.

"You can come get more tomorrow, I didn't want you to be tempted to take more... Imprinting can cause us to do crazy things and I want you safe" He said looking at me lovingly.

"Right" I nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow then, ah, my lord.." I sighed.

"Goodnight Bella" He said with an unsure voice,

I decided to walk home instead of apparating, I needed a walk to clear my head. As I left Malfoy Manor many thoughts swooped around me like pesky birds. By the time I reached my door my head felt like it was going to explode. As soon as I locked everything I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it with all my energy. I threw things, smashed plates, all while he was on my mind. I quickly remembered the sleeping pills and hurriedly took them both even though it was only 2 o'clock. I was so done with feeling like this. I quickly fell asleep and found Tom yet again awaiting me in my dreams.

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