Chapter two

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A/N: just to let everyone know, I'm changing the warnings a bit to more graphic scenes like sexual assault. This is the truth of what it's like to be trans, trust me. I know. I will put a warning before it, don't worrry. But I just want people to realize how much discrimination we face.

Alec POV:

When I finally calmed down and Isabelle left, I let out a shaky breath, and put my shirt back on. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, I looked like a total wreck.

My hair was a mess, sticking out everywhere, my eyes were red and water and my face had scratches all over it and dried blood on it.

I washed my face off and got all the blood off my face and fixed my hair the best that I could. Then looked at myself in the mirror, and sighed. I still don't look good enough. I won't be satisfied until I pass completely, and when I can finally have top surgery, which I've been wanting for years and Hodge is going to help me get it by convincing my parents to let me at least see another gender therapist to help, which I've seen five because of him. Hodge has always been kind to me.

When I walked out, I instantly regretted it when I saw the fiery orange headed girl in the institute, with a mundane.

"What the hell Jace?" He asked, bewildered. He didn't need this right now, or ever.

"Who the hell are you?" Clary snapped, looking him up and down in disgust.

He felt uncomfortable
What if she knows you aren't a real man?

No, she has no way to know. Even before testosterone he looked sorta passable, but now he passes almost completely.

He straightened up, trying his best to look confident.

"My name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, and I'm in charge of the Institute as of right now. You, are a mundane, and should not be in here. I have no idea what drug my brother was on to let you in here." He said, feeling pleased with himself as her confidence seemed to disappear the more he towered over her.

"Alec, calm down." Izzy said, trying to put her hand on his shoulder, he only shrugged it off and tried to ignore her hurt face.

"Hey! Don't say that to Clary!" The mundane shouted.

Then Jace walked in.

"Shit, uhhhh, hey Alec! This is Clary, Clary Morgenstern and her mundane friend Simon."

Oh hell no.

He was about to yell and go off on Jace for letting Valentine's daughter in here, but the anger wore off quickly to his surprise, and he just felt....... empty. All he wanted to do right now was leave before anything bad happened.

"I'm leaving, deal with this on your own." He said, turning on his heel.

He didn't know where he was gonna go, but he had to get out. He couldn't stay there any longer. He wanted to run so far away no one can ever find him.

It was at least midnight, and he was still walking far far away from the Institute, not even caring where he was going, or if he could find his way back. It didn't matter, not anymore.

He started humming a song that he had heard when he was younger, he often hummed it when he felt like tearing out his own skin, since it reminded him of when he finally met someone like him. He was around 10, and they were 15.

"Why is your hair short and you wear boy clothes?" He asked, confused but also intrigued, he always wanted to do that but his mom never let him.
He didn't understand, she obviously was a girl, but yet she acted like a boy. Why couldn't he do that? He always wanted that.

"Why are you asking, kid?" The elder asked, their voice gruff. He only looked up at them innocently.

"I-I- well, I've always wanted to do that. But my mom doesn't want me to. And I hate it! All I want to do is cut my hair and do boy things and wear boy clothes! I hate dresses and girly things, it makes me uncomfortable. Why does your mommy let you do it?" I asked, frustration in my voice.

The girl-boy- just gave me a long look, then smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"Come here, I wanna show you a song." He said, getting out earbuds and a phone.

He scrambled up to where he was sitting, and put in one earbud while he put in another.

The song began to play, and he was lost in another world. So lost he didn't see the boy look at him in sympathy and begin to shed a couple of tears before getting himself together.

"Don't let me see what I am, cause I can't stand no I can't...."

When it ended, he took out the earbuds and looked at the boy.

"Listen kid, don't let anyone tell you who you are. I made that mistake a long time ago and now I'm on my own. Don't let the words bring you down, kid." He said, before getting up and giving him a crooked smile, ruffling his hair again, before leaving again.

He smiled at that memory, but a sense of sadness struck him when he thought of it, too. He never saw him again, he always wondered what happened to him.

He shook the thought away, knowing deep inside that he truly doesn't want to know the answer.

Then, he accidentally bumped into a stranger.

"Hey! What the hell?" He heard the man yell, he flinched, please no.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir." He stuttered, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"Yeah right, get out of my way." The man said, stomping away.

He sighed in relief, thank god he didn't stay any longer. He didn't feel like getting in a fight right now.

Alec looked at his watch and groaned, it was 5 am. He got absolutely no sleep.

When he got back to the Institute, Clary marched up to him immediately, she had a stern look on her face.

"Look, I know you hate me and wish I wasn't here, and what I'm gonna say won't make you feel better in the slightest. But I just wanted to say that your mother came, and that you should know that we will never ever judge you no matter what." Clary said softly, touching his shoulder slightly.

Instead of shrugging her shoulder off, he let it stay, to tell her that he accepts what she says. Obviously she got the message, and she smiled.

When she walked away, he smiled.

Maybe she might not be so bad after all.

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