the CORRECT girl....

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It is an amazing atmosphere.

People are making Neil ready as the groom.

Neil's sister pulls him and shows him outside and he sees that the bride is coming in a carriage...

The girl is really beautiful. She has a beautiful smile. Everyone welcomes her into the house.

The marriage ceremony starts and the girl comes and sits beside Neil.

They do the rituals, they take the pheras.....

Neil gets up and starts blushing

His friend gets scared as he he gets up all of a sudden.

Sid: What happened Neil??? Why did you get up so suddenly..

Neil: Bro the marriage was so nice. Dad, sister, aunt, uncle, everyone were really very happy. And the girl. Uske features samaj Nahi arahe hai but she is really beautiful

Sid(sighs): That is your dream..... Your DREAM...

Neil: Eh. Get lost. You won't understand.

Neil goes to the temple

He goes and prays and takes Prasad from the sage.

Neil: What Sir.. is today any festival. The temple is decorated so grandly.

Sage: No beta. One girl prayed that if she gets the job she will decorate the temple grandly. See that girl is there.

The sage points to one side.

One girl is lighting the diyas. She has big eyes, she is cute, her eyes are mesmerising and all together she is really beautiful.

Neil gets lost looking at her. He realises that girl is just like the one whom he dreamt of.

He follows her....

His friends will be sitting one side.

Sid: Hey Neil, where are you going??? We are here.

Neil: Arey Sid. I said about my dream girl in the morning know. I found her Yaar.

He points at the girl. She is sitting in one side eating the food as if though she has never eaten it like in a weird manner.

Friend (giggles): What re she is eating like that..

Neil beats him on his head.

Neil: Hey.. Woman have to eat like that only. If they are strong, we will be strong. If we will will be strong, our home will be strong and if our home will be strong directly our society will also be strong.

Friend(laughs): First you find out whether she is married or not. Or else again you will waste time following her like you did for the last girl.

All of them laugh except of Neil.

Neil goes to that girl.

Neil: Excuse me...

Avni: Yes

Neil: Outside I think your husband and your children are waiting for you.

The girl looks at him angrily.

Girl(angry): I am not married.

Neil gets happy and starts following her.....

Continuing the dream
Neil and the girl will take the pheras.

They will be sleeping on the bed and will be talking and giggling

As the girl wakes up she sees Neil staring at her. She pulls him to her side and they smile.

She will be drying her hair, Neil will come and pinch her stomach, she will turn back. He takes her towel and will be drying her hair lovingly.

The family will be sitting and eating. Neil will ask the girl to bring ghee for him. She will go and he diverts him family's attention and changes the plates.

She comes and gives the ghee. She notices that her plate is changed and she smiles at Neil.

She will go to give coffee to Neil. He will see her and cones forward for a hug. She stops him. And while going she winks at him.
End of the dream

(The scene when Neil will meet the girl and narrate her the story)

Girl: Hey hey hey. What is that boss?? What is that marriage and what is that romance???

Neil: Chi chi. We are not married mam. It was just my dream.

Girl: Bah. Your fantasy Aah. Girls won't be like that after marriage you know.

Neil: No Madam. They will obviously be.

Girl: If every boys think about girls like that na every girl will be jumping to get married.

Neil: After seeing Avni na Madam I got the news that my sister's marriage is going to take place. It was like I am going to be lucky forever.

Hey guys....
So finally FINALLY FINALLY Avni.

I know I know that you are really happy.

How was the chappy???

Waiting for your answers.

Who is your favourite legendary actor and actress?

Waiting for your answers.

Love love,
Madhu ❤

I will do anything for you, MADAM😘Where stories live. Discover now