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Neil, Avni and Aaryan will be eating in the buffet.

Neil will be talking with his sister while he will be checking out the food.

Nisha: Yes Bhaiya

Neil: I don't know what you will do but just tell Aaryan to come back to the village.

Nisha: Ok fine give him the phone.

Neil: Oh really. Tell me what you will tell him.

Nisha: I'll tell him to come back to the village.

Neil: Hey not like that. Handle it nicely na.

Nisha: You are telling me how I should talk to my woodbe. I know how to handle. Give the phone to him.

Neil goes near the place where Aaryan and Avni will be sitting and eating.

Neil: Aaryan..

Aaryan: Yes Neil.

Neil: Nisha wants to talk with you.

Aaryan: Ya Ok fine.

He takes the phone from Neil.

Avni notices that Neil will be smiling.

She looks at him suspiciously.

He sits and says to Avni to drink the juice which is there so that she can be cool.

Avni understands what Neil has planned.

Aaryan: Hello

Nisha: Hi Aaryan. How are u?

Aaryan: I'm fine. Ya u wanted to tell me something it seems.

Nisha: I heard grandma telling that one of your relative was talking really badly about what happened to Avni in the bus na. I also was very angry that us why I am telling you that till you don't kill the guy who has misbehaved with Avni,  you shouldn't come only. Ok

Aaryan feels really happy at what Nisha tells.

Nisha: Ok then. Bye.

Aaryan: Bye Nisha.

Aaryan comes near the Neil and Avni.

Neil: What happened Aaryan? What did Nisha tell?

Aaryan: The one who shares happiness and sadness is called wife na. But you know Nisha also shares my anger. She told me not to come to the village till I didn't get the guy.

Neil gets shocked listening to this and Avni giggles.

She takes the glass of juice and keeps it near him.

Avni: Drink this. Stay cool.

Neil just looks at her hopeless.

Aaryan gets up from there as he gets a call.

Neil: I don't know Madam what will happen. I will only go and tell. Sister's wedding will get cancelled and Dad will die due to some or the other heart attack.

He tells this so that Avni can show a bit of pity.

But she will be eating her food.

Neil looks at this and gets angry.

Neil: But Madam all this bad luck will come to you only.

Avni: Bhaiya

Neil gets scared.

Aaryan: Ya Avni.

Avni: Neil wants to tell you something.

Neil: No Aaryan nothing.

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