Chapter 1

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**As of March 31st, 2021, I've gone back and finally fixed some plotholes and continuity errors (that hopefully no one noticed before anyways. 👿) I thought the loyal readers out there deserved to know I tweaked things. I've gotten such amazing responses from you guys, and I'm so touched that so many of you wasted precious time out of your lives to ingest this hideous monstrosity. Thank you, and I'm not paying your therapy bills. 😘**

**I love Jenny Nicholson and am a long time subscriber by the way, and her characterization nor the other characters should be taken seriously in any way. I am aware that there was a Youtube video made about this by James Tullos and you can find me as "Rot" in the comments**

Taurus POV

If you knew me at all, you'd know I wasn't an ordinary girl, like my parents thought. All they did was pressure me to go work at the local psych ward, but I had bigger dreams. My biggest inspiration was Jenny Nicholson, a YouTuber on YouTube. I had just finished watching her video "Trapped in a Island with Josh Hutcherson." My pants were heavy with piss and my eyes overflowed with happy tears. Little did I know water was going to be a theme today...
My parents named me Taurus because I'm an Aries and they were both high when I was born. I use the couch that was my birthing place as my computer chair.
Feeling like there was enough exposition to the story, I flitted down the stairs excitedly. My parents were staring at me with disapproving looks on their faces.
"You get in the car right now, because we are going to take you to that psych ward." My dad scolded sternly. He had a blond moustache.
"No, dad! I don't wanna work at a psych ward! I'm going to be a YouTuber like Jenny Nicholson!" I screamed.
"It's not to work th-" I left in a huff before he could finish. Mom had a habit of being a static background character.
I sprinted to our motorboat and ran the next 10 miles with it over my head to get to shore. I was going to LA.
I pushed the boat in and pushed myself in the boat. It pushed its way through the water. I felt like my destiny was pushing its way towards me. The sun pushed down into the horizon.
I had to flutter my hands on either side of the boat to make it move. It was basically a canoe without paddles, I realized. My parents had lied to me, just as they had lied and said school was important for me as well as breathing in for 4 counts and out for 2. I LIKE being a rebel and I LIKE being lightheaded.
In fact, I was lightheaded as I spoke(?) Fuck, third person is confusing. Anyways, I realized I was lightheaded because I was spit roasted inside of a giant wave. I felt myself spinning in circles, like when my father would light that spoon of his and then rock me on my horsie. And like those moments, I felt lighter until all I saw was black.

Jenny POV

I was on the X rated My Little Pony party yacht for vacation, and so far it had been a magical time. I had managed to record snippets of what I was allowed to film for my YouTube, but the rest of the memories I will keep forever in my head. I had vlogged a big fury Applejack handing out apples that turned out to be candy apples, but cut the film when a rainbow dash in assless chaps gave me Skittles that turned out to be ecstasy.
I was having a grand old time by my lonesome when Princess Celestia wearing a butt plug strutted over to me looking pissed. "We're going to have to ask you to leave."
"Why?" I said in a protesty pitch of tone.
"Because you worked on our competitor, Friendship is Witchcraft!" This wasn't the first time this happened, but
I was still taken of back. "No, you don't understand! I love you guys!"
"I get it. you like to come on our boats and enjoy your little fetish, then laugh behind our tails. You are dismissed!"
"It's not a fetish! I'm an adult who genuinely enjoys the sh-"
Before I could finish an argument I couldn't win, Butt Plug Celestia was picking me up in her strong hooves, just like I had imagined them, and she flung me overboard.
The salt water hit me and I shrieked. It was cold. Faintly I could see an island in the distance.
I also saw a body in the water. I could be a hero but the last heaviest thing I picked up was my fan mail, so I decided to self preserve. I did an impeccable front stroke to the island. I regretted not grabbing that body, though, only because I realized I might need to forage for food.

To be continued

Trapped in a Island with Jenny NicholsonWhere stories live. Discover now