Chapter 2

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Taurus POV

I awoke on the sand of what was a island. There was something missing to this, I knew. I stood up and looked all the tall, descriptive trees and the sandwiches that grew from their branches. This seems tropical, I thought.
I noticed shoeprints and realized there might be a weirdly shaped animal nearby. My stomach growled, so I picked up the nearest stick and quickly filed it into a double ended trident, just like my Mom had taught me. I missed her.
I crept along the trail, stealthily tripping a few times, until I spotted a figure huddled up in the corner of a cave. "Help!" It said in what could be a scream but judging by how monotone it was it sounded sarcastic.
I couldn't believe my eyes when the figure revealed it's shelf. It was Jenny Nicholson! How CONVENIENT it was for us to cross paths!
She pulled her face back into a half smile. "It's so nice to know it's a fan girl who's coming to my rescue." I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not, but I figured she wasn't. Who wouldn't love being trapped with a fan? Especially one that could keep it together and act like she wasn't a big deal.
"I WANT TO DRINK YOUR URINE!" I screamed two inches from her face. She bobbed her head vigorously up and down and then coughed.
Coughing is the diagnosis for virtually anything, so I instantly got worried. "What's wrong? Are you ill?"
"Yes." She said. "The trident that's impaling my neck didn't tip you off?" I thought she was being sarcastic, but I realized she wasn't lying. It was my trident! It must've flown out of my grasp when I stealthily tripped. I'd better not tell her it's mine, I thought; besides, she probably won't care and I shouldn't waste the air I hyperventilate.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. You can call this - fan service!" I hooted and hollered and Jenny seemed to gargle along. I took it as a sign she was beginning to love me. "I'll tend to your wound, you'll see!" I skipped off to find something, anything, to save my beloved Jenny. This was fate, I knew it.

Jenny POV

Finally, the creature disappeared from my view. Interacting with her was almost as painful as the neck wound. As far as the pain went, I could handle it. I'd been through worse, like reading Troll. I would tough it out and act nice for this lunatic so she would take care of me, and then I'd find my way home.
At least the girl's looks weren't too bad. She had long, straight hair and big eyes. She was thicc, but slim thicc. She was like Amanda Seyfried but even hotter.
This bitch came back with some damn moss, two sandwiches and a coconut. I forced a smile. "What're you gonna do with all that?"
She knelt beside me and started laying things out. "Coconut milk to cauterize the wound, and moss to stop the bleeding. We have to leave the trident in there cause it's dangerous to pull out."
I believe in this universe that that is a correct way to tend to a pierced neck. "Wow, you really know your stuff! What's your name?"
"Taurus. Yeah, I know a lot because my mom was a nurse in the wars. She taught me a lot. I miss her."
"Is she dead?"
"No. She told me she needed some me time where she didn't need to speak or do anything important, so she downgraded herself to a background character."
"That's tragic! I like it. It adds layers to your character."
Maybe Taurus wasn't so bad after all. She may want to drink my urine, but that leaves more water for me. Maybe she could be a symbiotic partner, like a blood leech, rather than a gross slave I could manipulate. I gave my first genuine smile to Taurus sarcastically.

Trapped in a Island with Jenny NicholsonWhere stories live. Discover now