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    "Finally," thought Jatau as he finished the last thing he had to do for the day. He checked the clock in the bottom right corner of his computer to see that it was already 6:30! "Geez," he sighed internally. "I'm exhausted." 

     Just as he was shutting down, his phone buzzed on his desk. He glanced at it and saw a text from Emanuel, the only other nice guy at his office. 

     "U coming to the boss's party tonight?" read his phone. 

     "Nah," Jatau texted back. "I'm exhausted. I'll just go to the bar."

     "K," was all that Emanuel replied. 

----- 1 hour later -----

"I'll take a Long-Island Ice Tea," Jatau requested at the bar.

"I'll take the same," came a seductive voice next to me.

Jatau instinctively looked to his right and became hard at the sight

Right next to him is the most beautiful, amazing girl he has ever seen. Her face was the first thing that he saw, and he was instantly mesmerized. He had no words to describe it. She had cute cheeks and gorgeous eyes and thick lips that just drew him in. Her breasts were easily a D, or even a double D cup and she had a beautiful hourglass shape body. Her dress was the perfect cut so that it just walked the line between slutty and beautiful so that he could see her boobs, but it wasn't too show-offy. He felt himself become more and more turned on each second as he admired her body. Then, her mouth opened. 

"Hello there," she spoke in a husky voice. "What's your name?"

"I-I'm Jatau," Jatau finally stuttered out. Dang it! he mentally berated himself. I just had to screw that up.

"Oooh! A nervous one. I'm Alicia by the way. Long week huh?"

"Yeah how'd you know?" he asked tentatively.

"Nobody gets a Long Island ice tea without a reason, and you still look sober."

Jatau cracked a sly grin and they soon hit it off. Jatau found himself amazed at how nice she was and how she was willing to talk to him. He soon found himself on his fifth drink when she leaned forward tentatively. He followed suit, and soon, they were making out like college students, tongue and all. Jatau found she was great at it and was extremely turned on by the whole thing. He quickly found himself in her car, making out while she drove him home, and next thing he knew, they were stripping each other and climbing into bed. 

Jatau found that he had forgotten how sex felt like, but also felt that this was easily the best experience of his life. They both reached a climax at the same time and cummed. Jatau passed out, his penis still inside of her, and slept soundly. 

-----The next morning-----

The next morning, he was woken up by someone softly massaging his shoulders. He groggily sat up to see Alicia's smiling face. 

"Good morning sleepy head!" she said cheerily.

Jatau smiled back at her while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

"Good morning," he said tiredly. 

He got out of bed with her and they went to eat breakfast. The food she had prepared was wonderful, and he felt a euphoric calm fall over him with each bite. What he didn't know was that Alicia had drugged the food to make him feel subdued and submissive. They chatted over breakfast and Jatau learned that Alicia was a professional massager and that this week had been tough on her as well. He told her about how he was a software designer and that this week was the deadline for a project he was working on. He opened up to her and told her about all the things that had happened to him, and by the end, she looked overwhelmed as well. She then offered to give him a massage, as she said it would help him a lot. 

First, she told him to get comfortable in a large, cushy chair she had set up and she started her fireplace and threw some green powder into it that instantly made him sleepy, and from then on, made his thoughts grow more and more sluggish. Secondly, she started up a pendulum in front of him that would make a 'plink' noise whenever it reached the middle. Then she started to massage his shoulders. 

Jatau instantly began to feel relaxed and as he watched the pendulum, he felt himself grow drawn into it, as if his willpower was slowly begining to become sucked into the device. He felt his breathing slow down and his eyes began to droop. As this was happening, Alicia was talking to him in a melodical, musical voice that made him inadvertently smile and relax even more. 

-----Alicia POV (First person) -----

"Just relax. Feel your toes relax as all the pressure releases from them and flows into me." I said as softly yet relaxingly as possible. This was a technique I had learned a long time ago where I had to make every part of his body relax and 'flow into me'. Basically, it made him more submissive and willing to serve me. This was doubly effective as the fire slows down his thoughts and his mind is soley focused on the pendulum. Once I relax his eyes, I can finally make him mine. 

"Now feel your stress slip away. Feel all your worries fall and your thoughts and dreams come to me. Feel all of your willpower slowly flowing, like a stream, into me. I will count down from ten and you will feel your willpower and your life flow into me."


You feel your breathing slow and your thoughts slow down


You feel your eyes become heavy


Your will slowly melds with mine


All of your worries slip away as you confide with me


Your eyes begin to close


You just want to listen to my voice


Your eyes lightly shut


My voice overwhelms your thoughts


Sleep begins to take you


All you want to do is listen to my voice and follow me

And sleep softly."

Finally. He was mine! Now it is time to have some fun with him.

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