The Change Begins

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-----Alicia Flashback-----

It was exactly three years ago when I got free. I used to be sex trafficked and raped by men every night. My life was horrible. I was constantly being abused and raped by men. My body was sold by money. So I came to a realization: Men were the evil in the world. And so I knew I had to get revenge. You see, the people who trafficked me were smart: they knew that they would only get business if their sluts were happy and in good shape. Because of this, they let us go to one place a week as long as it was approved and a chaperone went with them. One night, after a long and painful sex by a dominant man, I made a plan as to how to escape and get revenge. So that week I went to the library in the city the traffickers were headquartered in. I loaded up on books about hypnotism and read them nonstop whenever I had a free moment. I then began to practice on myself. Once I got myself into a trance, I tried it on my friends (also trafficked). At first, I had a lot of trouble with it, but I quickly figured out the words to say and just how to say it as well as the body language necessary to relax them. Then, one night after a particularly exhausting session, I decided to try it on the man who was in bed with me. I did a similar thing I did with Jatau where I got him to lower his guard in the morning as I made him breakfast, then massaged him while he focused on a metronome (it was the closest thing to a pendulum I had) and he quickly went under. I then started phase two of my plan. I made it so that he would buy me from my captors. Then, I slowly changed him until he was just perfect. And so my revenge had started.

-----Back to current day-----

Jatau and Dante (the other man that came in) were both out and ready for transformation. I was dripping from watching their sex and even though I wanted them to do it again, I knew I shouldn't. So I put them both into a trance and commanded them to put some clothes on and follow me. I would take them to my main base where we could really get started. 

Once there, I got my best slut, Natalia to teach them everything they needed to know. I then got my expert in vaginoplasty and plastic surgery to come to look at them. He made plans in preparation for transformation. I then walked over to them to ask them a few questions and see how Natalia had done. 

"What do you crave most in life?" I asked them.

"Cock," they answered obediently.

"What are your names?"

"We are yet to receive our names."

"You are now both girls. You," I said while pointing at Jatau, "are now Jessica. And you," I said pointing at Dante," are Sheera. "Your life's goal is to get as many cocks as possible and in order to do that, you want to become as beautiful and sexy as possible."

"Yes master," they both replied dutifully.

"Now, what do you plan to do in order to get to that goal? And I want specifics. Jessica first."

"I plan to work out as hard as possible and diet to get a nice hourglass figure. I will also grow out my hair in the back to become long and wavy." Jessica said in a monotone voice. 

"And I plan to take lots of estrogen pills to get DD cups and will try to get plastic surgery to become as beautiful as possible," said Sheera.

"Those are both great ideas and I want you both to combine them. So you guys should work out to get a nice hourglass figure with thunder thighs and a bubble butt if possible and take estrogen to get those nice boobs. You will also get plastic surgery to become exceedingly beautiful and you should grow out your hair and take care of it every day. Finally, you will both get vaginoplasty to become the best sluts possible. Oh and one more thing: you will report to Natalia every day to learn how to become as feminine as possible as well as how to seduce a man. Now begin!"

They both went to Natalia first for advice on hair care and how to act more seductively. I smiled, basking in the success of turning two new sluts. 

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