Chapter 9 oh no....

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A/n hey! So it's been almost a year since I updated this story last. Not counting the small edits I just did in a few of the chapters. I would have fixed more but if I did the whole story might have changed because for some reason I'm just like that. Anyways here is a new chapter! Finally XD

Reader's p.o.v.
I sighed and jumped off the couch. I don't know how long this prank can go on anymore. But I'll keep trying. I rushed to the elevator and jumped hitting the lobby button with my paw. I would have ignored it out of habbit. Or even to keep the prank going if I knew who ever Robin is fighting wasn't a threat but I don't. Once the doors opened to the lobby I ran out quickly changing into a green pigeon even though sometimes in between when I change I could be seen for less than a second.

Cyborgs p.o.v.
I heard the door to the tower open and I looked over only to see best boy running out. I watched but he changed into a pigeon....wait did I just see a flash of ...him in between changes? One that never happens and two they didn't look like beasty... I remembered the call I got from Robin on the communicator and shrugged off what I just saw as I rushed to go help Robin even though I would rather be lazy right now.

Robin's p.ov.
I dodged the huge foot again gizmo was attacking the city with his robots. I'm actually surprised with how good these robots look after all he hasn't been causing any problems recently.

Reader's p.o.v.
I saw gizmo's robot with him on top of it I changed into a green hawk in midair and swooped down tallens first cutting right into the robot. I then kept changing into different animals as I faught him. I dodged the robot and then I attacked. Gizmo for some reason didn't change that pattern and after a few minutes I easily defeated him I turned back into a pigeon and landed on the ground. I yawned feeling tired and I fell asleep on the spot.

Robin's p.o.v.
I watched in amazement as beast boy easily defeted gizmo's robot I was going to congratulate him when he landed but his eyes drooped and he turned ba-...wait what! That's not beast boy that's (your name!)

Cyborgs p.o.v.
I just got there as beast boy finished up he landed on the ground and turned into... (your name)?!?! I knew that wasn't beast boy!

Beast boy's p.o.v.
When I was done exploring I went over to the (your name) is the legendary (your superhero name)! No wonder she didn't want me to go in here no has ever known her real identity before! But I guess now that I think about it batman does probably know who she is. I felt my tail go from side to side not from agrivation or anything. I did that with my tail because it's fun anyways I have to focus. (Your superhero name) was always my favorite superhero! She's the reason I became a superhero know what happened to me...

(A/n so I'm done with this chapter! 552 words wow!)

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