Chapter four (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh Tashan Attitude. Poor Ragini got scold by Shekhar.

Laksh come back to his boss, "Boss here the money!" He placed the suitcase filled with money on the table.

"Very good Lucky, very good! No one should mess with me

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"Very good Lucky, very good! No one should mess with me. I'm happy that he understood our warning!" His boss said, who is the biggest underworld Don of Mumbai, but there is something, he is hiding.

Laksh has this feeling for a quite long time, that he isn't the real Underworld don for whom he is working, but he don't care as long as the money is right, "Boss my reward?" He said with a smirk, rubbing his hand and his 'Boss' gave him an amount out of the suitcase, "Here Lucky, that is for you!" He throw the money and Laksh caught it, "Thank you Boss!"
He winks and left from there.

The henchman called the real boss, "Hello! Is the work done?".

The henchman smiles, "Boss this Boy has no fear, he has done the job and I gave him a reward of his work!"

The boss was happy, "Hmm means he is of our use, I have seen him today. Unfortunately I had arrived late. So I couldn't see his live performance!" Both laughed and ended the call.

Lucky was counting the money. Uhm just 50.000 rps. I'm sure there was a higher amount in this suitcase. This cheapo let me meet the real one, then I will ask for a better amount.

Ragini was crying about the scold and her father's warning. You won't see him again. She was crying bitterly. Papa has no rights to tell me, whom I can meet or not. And this Sanskaar I will say it to my Lucky, he will teach him a lesson to stay out of my life!.

She couldn't sleep as her heart was broken, she stood up from the bed and went to the window. She was looking up to the moon and the shining light of the moon appeared on her face. The layers of tears were visible on her cheeks, which had changed their color in red like her nose and eyes. I wish he would be here and take me in his arms and hold me tight. I feel so lonely and incomplete without him.

She turns and leaned her head on the window glass, when she startled. She heard a noise from the window and turns with a shocked then happy face.

She opens the window and let him in, "Lucky!" She almost shout his name and he pulls her close and sealed her lips. She smiles and closed her eyes feeling his lips on hers.

"Sshh you little mad one or do you want to wake the whole neighbourhood without my real work on you!"

She didn't understand, what he means and he smirks, "Oh princess I mean the bed thing!". Ragini was shocked 😮 "What...? No, later not yet" She hugs him and pulls him in.

Laksh literally fall on her as she couldn't handle his weight, but was pulling him inside her room. He hold her tight that she won't get hurt and will be save in his arms. Ragini looked at him and he saw the dried layers of tears, "Babe what happened why you cried?" He lifts her chin and kisses her lips again.

"Lucky my Papa forbid me to see or meet you again, but how will I survive without you? I don't want to miss you more than needed!" She didn't broke the hugs and rested her head on his chest.

He rolls with her and made her lie over him, "no way babe, I'm not going to lose or leave you! I want you even more now. How dare he to say this to you! And how dare he to scold you. He did, right?!"

Ragini nods, "A lot and then he even started to speak about my alliance with Sanskaar. I don't want to marry him, I want you!" Her hands were on his sides and she hides her face deeper in his chest.

"Ragini you are so cute. You want me then let me give you something!"

Ragini felt a heat on her cheeks, "Lucky, what?" Laksh smirks and lifts her.

He places her on her bed and covers her with her duvet, "Babe nothing will happen in this pinky room!" He lies next to her over the duvet and caresses her head. He kisses her forehead and made her sleep. She cuddles with him the whole night.

The next morning

Ragini stood up and pouts as he was gone. Why he left without saying goodbye?

She stood up and went to the washroom, "Lucky?" He was under the shower, "Oh hey. You woke up early. I thought to leave after a shower. But now you are here!" He pulls her close and made her stand with him under the shower.

Ragini was numb, "Lucky. You are a real Gangster, right?"

Laksh got confused, "Yes, why are you asking. Is there something?"

Ragini nods, "You will go to Sanskaar and make him understand that I'm not his fiancé, but your lady! Okay?!"

There was something in her voice and in her eyes. FIRE 🔥 he had seen love and shyness, but this fire uff was making him crazy.

Laksh kisses her, "My beauty can be a beast too, but how will you pay me?"

Ragini hold him tight, "That is my problem not yours, you have to scare him and make him clear that I'm yours!"

Laksh nods, he knew one wrong word and she will go mad on him "Oh Lucky, nice packs!" He kisses her again and made her moan his name.

Ragini pushes him out of the washroom, "You have to go now! I have to go to the college and about the room don't worry give me two days and I will change it!"

Laksh looked at her, she was in her pyjama which was wet and sticking on her body.

Her body was visible as the dress was white, "We have to talk about the payment!" He gaps and she smiles. Taking off her top she made him go crazy.

"Stop it! Payment done!" He left from there before he would lose the control over himself. He wore his clothes from last night and left.

Ragini come down after awhile, as if nothing had happened. She didn't talked to anyone just called for an interior designer. Ragini left for her college, when she saw him still there.

"Lucky!" She shouts and he smiles looking at her. Shekhar heard her shout and spits his tea out of his mouth, "What did she said?"

They stood up and looked at her. Laksh made her wear a helmet and asked her to sit behind him on his motorcycle, "Babe from now on I will drop and pick you up from college can't see you with someone else than me!"

Ragini smiles and starts to giggle.

He loves her giggle. He made her hands intertwined on his chest and starts the engine of his bike waving a bye to Shekhar and Sumi.

Ragini was beyond happiness. My gangster...

Laksh knows her mood hasn't changed neither it would change if he won't do something. He dropped her and made her keep the helmet. He kisses her in front of the whole college "Now everyone here should know you are mine. I will go and meet this Sanskaar!" Ragini nods at him, "Good idea!" She kisses his cheek again and left from there to her class.


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Her Gangster & His Love - RagLak (Competed/not edited)Where stories live. Discover now