Chapter sixteen

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Recap: they got connected and now Code Zero is in change.

Laksh was breathing in short terms, his heartbeat was irregular beating, "damn it where is the doctor?" Ansh was shouting, but there was no response.

"Ali you had called him, what he said?" Rohan asked, Ali was looking at his mobile phone, "he just gave the address and said someone named Sanskaar will help us."

"That's me." They turned all holding their guns up for their protection and fast reaction.

"I'm Sanskaar this hospital section belongs to me, but like I said to Ragini I don't have a private doctor." He explained them, that he got the call from Ragini, who was on a bike with a man named Ahmed.

"Sir is with whom?"

"Babe..." Laksh smiles, his eyelids were moving, but he couldn't hold them open, "my babe." He again falls unconscious.

"Damn he is losing a lot of blood, please can you get a nurse or anyone to stop the bleeding?" Rohan was pressuring the wound, but the blood was still oozing from his wound.

"Get in," Sanskaar told them to enter the hospital with his keycard, "there is someone." He took the main door of the hospital and asked for a nurse, "is Ms. Dr. Sanchi on duty?" The receptionist checked on the work schedule, "yes, but her shift just ended, I guess she is on her way home."

"Message her it's an emergency." Sanskaar said and the receptionist did and also gave the information about the private sector.

Sanskaar was at the parking lot, "her car isn't here. Shit!"

"Don't say shit, it doesn't suits you."

Sanskaar got a shock, "Ragini not from the back! You frighten the hell out of me."

"Really did she?"

"Ahh!" RagSan [rarely using it] screamed in fear.

"Don't Tell me I scared you both?"

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"Don't Tell me I scared you both?"

"Who are you?" A man with a gun was talking.

"Dr. Sanchi Mishra!" She hold her hands up and you?"

"Commander Ahmed, this is Ragini and he, I guess you know. Why are you here?"

"Laksh is losing a lot of blood, she can help. I trust her!" Sanskaar said and Ragini turned to Ahmed, "I want my lucky! Your code Zero hasn't arrived you, who knows if this person even exists, but she is here!" Ragini was begging and Ahmed needed him alive, "fine, I will be watching all the time. Ansh is practised in first aid, he will assisting you."

Sanchi was just looking at the aimed gun.

"Can you please put your gun down," Sanskaar said and Ragini just hit the hand of Ahmed, "you are a bad commander, let's go, my lucky is waiting I'm his lifeline."

They rushed to the private section and Sanchi was giving Sanskaar some death glares, "where the hell I got sucked in?"

Sanskaar shook his head, "I'm not really sure," there was a Biometric system to enter the section, "I gave the key card to your colleagues, just two steps and we are in." His eye was scanned and his hand too.

"Not bad!" AhmRag were impressed, but Sanchi was just irritated, "typical of you, showing your wealth in your own way."

Sanskaar didn't answered her, which made AhmRag suspicious.

"Commander I think there was something between them?" She whispers and Ahmed just nodded having the same feeling, "we must reach him on time."

Ragini widen her eyes, "commander! What you mean on time, nothing will happen him because first we will give him a treatment afterwards he will talk to you!" There was anger and fire in her eyes, Ahmed nodded, "I need him alive. Let's go." They were looking around and went to the operation theatre.

Ansh has sterilised his wound, "finally you all are here, I have checked the wound it's deep. He was stabbed in his stomach and he has several wounds on his thighs."

Sanchi was more than confused, "will you now tell me what is going?"

"My Lucky is an undercover cop!"

"No!" They team shouted, "he is a gangster!"

Ragini somehow felt relieved, she had fallen in love with her gangster.

"I want to see him. Please."

"Fine you can assist us too, the more the better, but just follow my instructions!"

"Oh!" AhmSa said while rolling their eyes.

Ragini fumes, she removed the curtain and the bear was in her hand, "that's for Lucky's protection, he is watching you, like me!" She changed her clothes and Sanchi too, both entered the OP Theatre and started to cure / treat his wounds.

Ahmed was confused, "Code Zero hasn't come, get into the position, I think we have an intruder."

Ali nodded, "Sir, we got attacked, the van was covered, still they followed us."

Rohan checked his gun, "Code Zero  might have changed the party."

"Everything is possible, we have 4 civilians here, they are our priority. Sanskaar you also help them you won't be a help for us here. If your section will get attacked you will be an easy aim for them." Ahmed explained and Sanskaar nods, "got it. Please don't die and kill them." He left from there and helped the others.

Laksh was under medication, but his hand moved and Ragini caught it, "my Lucky in here." She was stroking his head and his heartbeat slowly normalised like his breaths, he was having an oxygen mask on.

Sanskaar took her place, "I can't believe it I'm helping him."

He got death glares from everyone.

"Excuse me he threaten me, more than once!"

Ragini smiles, "that's true." She kisses his forehead the breath mask on her face, she smiles, "poor you, you couldn't feel the kiss."

Sanchi and Ansh were looking confused, Sanskaar just shook his head, "that is their weird way to express their love for each other."

"Says the one, who had never loved anyone." Sanchi taunted him.


Ragini widen her eyes, "nice what happened?"

They heard a gunshot...

Finally RagLak reunion happened

Her Gangster & His Love - RagLak (Competed/not edited)Where stories live. Discover now