Chapter eleven

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Recap: Laksh got to know, that Sanskaar is innocent. Something is fishy.

Laksh was scared, he looked at his mobile phone and fumes in anger, "babe is alone." He sat on his bike and speed up to his place, he was looking around the roads were empty, an uneasy feeling comes into his mind. Where the hell are they all?

Laksh stepped off his bike, he put the back on his shoulder and ran up the stairs of the building. His apartment door was open, "no!" A fear comes into his mind and he enters the house, "Babe?!" He shouts loudly, the whole neighbourhood got aware of him.

"What is Lucky?!" She comes out of the kitchen looking like a mess of disaster.

Laksh frowns, "babe what the hell?" He points on her with his hand, "why are you looking like this?"

"I tried to cook." Ragini said and he moved backwards, "what, you cooked?" He was scared as he had his own imagination about her cooking skills, which weren't there. He doesn't wanted to die because of food poison.

Laksh heard something, he took out his gun and aimed it toward the kitchen, he moved with his head to signal her, she should come behind him.

"Uffo Lucky, I don't know how to cook. The cooking uncle is here from the street. You have to pay him, got it."

Laksh blinks with his eyes several times, "what?!" He said confused, "cooking uncle?! Who is this now?!"

The old man of the street food store comes out of the kitchen, "Laksh."

Laksh sighs of relieve, "oh you. Okay." He put the gun back in the holder and looked at Ragini.

Ragini frowns, "what, did you thought I would cook for you?"

Laksh didn't answered to her question, he just smiles at the old man and asked him to leave as he can handle it all from here.

"You have to pay him." Ragini said with fists, while Laksh shook his head, "go." He said in stern tone.

The man left and Ragini pouts, "if I won't get my food on time, I won't be talking to you ever."

Even now Laksh didn't said anything, he knew this will never happen as she will find a way to annoy him, but he likes it.

The door was closed and he pulls her close, "your father isn't a saint like you thought. Sorry babe but I have to blow your dream about your hero."

"I don't have hero, I love my villain." She placed her hands around his neck, he smirks and kisses her lips.

"What has Sanskaar has said?"

Laksh shook his head, "I'm kissing you and you are talking about Sanskaari your New brother. It's okay."

"Brother?!" She was confused and Laksh told her everything, "now tell me. Has your father bought you any expensive jewellery or anything which could throw him deeper into the debt of my boss?"

Ragini felt bad, she was hurt and shook her head, "no," her voice was broken, she sniffs, "papa loves me, but we were facing a big loss. I had asked for a small gift don't know from where he got me a diamond necklace, but I asked him and he ensured me, it's a fake."

Laksh took her close into a tight hug, "your father told me something."

She was holding him tightly, her head moved and she looked up to him, "what did he said?"

"I didn't sold my daughter!"

Ragini smiles, "means he hasn't."

Laksh shook his head, "first I thought the same, but like I said, I talked to Sanskaar. Your father hasn't sold you now, because he already sold you the moment, when he took the money from my boss."

Ragini was shocked, "no way. I'm his only child, why would he sell me to a don?"

Laksh looked at her from tip to toe, "well I know why."

Ragini pushes him, "It doesn't matter, I'm yours right, you won't let anyone take me away from you."

Laksh rolls his eyes, "one crore is a huge amount. Anyone could get weak."

Ragini widen her eyes, she started to shiver in fear, but Laksh hold her close, "oh Madam anyone, but not me. I made you mine." He kept her close and thought, how to get her out of the clutches of the Don.

"I have the money, but he has increased it which only means others will look for you."

Ragini ran into Laksh bedroom, she was looking for something, "Lucky!" She shouts and Laksh entered the room, "babe?" He looked around, "where are you?" He couldn't find her and checked the whole room.

"Ragini!" He shouts and a tiny bit of fear was to hear from his voice.

Ragini giggles, "I'm so good in hide and seek. You can't find me."

He took a deep breath of relieve, "so you are still here in my room?" She didn't answered and Laksh went out of the room into the kitchen, he saw the food and smirks, "yummy."

Ragini comes out and glares at him, "that's mine." She stamps to humans took the plate of food and sat on the dining table to have her meal.

"Babe I'm going to have a conversation with my boss, I will give him the money, which he had asked before let's see if her agrees or not."

Ragini was chewing the food, she nods to him and he left giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Laksh looked at the old man, "no one, I said no one!"

The man nodded and Laksh drove away.

At the hideout of the don, which was hold by his henchman, "there you are, but where is the girl?" He asked and Laksh fumes in anger.

"I told you before and I'm telling you again. I want to talk to the boss, not to you." Laksh hold the bag filled with money in one hand and into the other hand he was holding his gun, which was aimed on the henchman.

The henchman smirks, "what do you think, We aren't prepared for this? You are just a pawn in our game, you are here and she is alone."

Laksh unlocked the gun in seconds, he shot the man behind him down, then the one he registered on the back of the henchman, he knows there were more than only one, he calculated it and shot down each who come in his way.

"Haan so where were we?" He again aimed the gun on the henchman, who was now alone with Laksh.

"How?" He was shaking and shivering in fear.

"Where is the Don?" Laksh demanded to know.

"Well I'm here." He said and Laksh heard a familiar voice, he turns in careless and got a hit on his head, he was laying on the ground unconscious.

The henchman, "I'm sorry boss."

"It's okay, he has the girl and I want her, torture him and he will tell us where she is."


Her Gangster & His Love - RagLak (Competed/not edited)Where stories live. Discover now