Chapter six + 16 (✔️)

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Recap: RagLak and street food. He calls her Baacha, she called him Lakshya.

Both were lost in each other, when her mobile phone starts to ring and broke their eye lock.

Ragini huffs in anger "Who is this manhood {Unfortunate} to call me at this time!" She murmurs a few words under her breath and picked up the call.

"Hello Sanskaar, why did you call me?" She had no idea what Laksh had told or did to Sanskaar as they only smooched and had their dinner.

Sanskaar was shivering "That guy come to my office today!"

Ragini lifts an eyebrow "Oh really he did, I didn't knew that!" She was acting like an innocent angel "Oh Gosh what he did?" Her fake concern was making Laksh smiling, he had to suppress his laugh. Ragini too and she placed her palm on his mouth.

"Ragini he come inside my meeting and threatened me in front of my partners. Not only this he was blabbering something?" Sanskaar was trying to recollect his memory.

Ragini rolls her eyes "It's okay Sanskaar you don't need to tell me!" She said with a mischievous smile.

"But Ragini you have to stay away from him, he is dangerous!" Sanskaar said to her and she shrugs "I don't care, bye!" She cut the call and looked at him "Are you gonna tell me what you said and did to him?" She played with his buttons on his shirt.

Laksh nods with a smirk on his face "But give me something first!" Ragini comes closer and kisses his lips on the streets of his area "Is it enough?!" He nods lost.

Laksh parked his car and took her hand "Are you gonna walk on your feet's or on my back?"

Ragini looked at him "Neither of both!" She comes to his front side and jumps on him, he carries her up, her legs encircled around his hips.

Laksh opens the door to his Apartment "You sure you wanna stay the night here with me, a Gangster?" Ragini kisses his earlobe, she plays with her tongue into his ear licking him "Yes, I'm sure!".

Laksh didn't need more, he went inside the apartment and she was looking around the rooms "Lucky bedroom?" She said in a seductive voice. Laksh widen his eyes "Bedroom? The door to your right!"

Ragini smiles "Okay Wait here, don't you dare to sneak in!" She warns him and he smiles "Okay will be waiting there on the couch!" He shows to her and she nods closing the door.

Laksh took a water bottle from the fridge, he fills two glasses and placed them on the couch table waiting for her, he had turned his face toward the room, but she wasn't coming. What is she doing inside there? How much time a woman takes? Gosh, I'm getting impatient.

The door opens and she come out with wet hairs, wearing his white shirt showing enough to make him wild. She comes near him, placing her legs on each side of the couch, sitting on his lap.

"So Mister Lucky, tell me what you did to scare him?" She was nibbling on his earlobe making him go crazy.

"Ragini don't talk about him, keep it up!" Laksh hold her buttocks and squeeze them.

Ragini bites him "But I want to know!"

Laksh rolls his eyes "I thought we are going to romance, but you want to talk about another guy! Why?" He shouts at her and she frighten.

"Because I don't want him to return to me, saying that he is my fiancé!" She hits him "Don't shout at me. I don't like this!" He pulls her close making her lie underneath him, sealing her lips with his...

Ragini was reciprocating to him, her hands were on his back moving up to his hairs, his precious hairs were messed up by her delicate and soft hands.

Laksh was looking at her intensely "Ragini...!" He starts to moan her name as she was moaning his name in between the kiss too.

Laksh opens the buttons of the shirt "I will... lick you!" Ragini giggles "Okay!" He went to her cleavage and rested his head there, he kisses her breast making her feel goosebumps.

"Kiss?" She said and he come up "You take what you want!" Ragini smiles "Haan!" She pulls him up and kisses his lips, her kiss become a smooch again, both tongues were interacting with each other.

Ragini was taking off his shirt and both were lying on the small couch.

Laksh looked at her "It's uncomfortable, right?" Ragini nods innocently "Yes!" She pouts cutely and he lifts her up to his bedroom.

Ragini was looking at him "Laksh tell me!"

Laksh rolls his eyes "Okay! Not much I entered his meeting!"

"You how dare you to come into my office get out!" Sanskari shouted at me.

*Hahaha* "His name is Sanskaar!"


"Oh Sanskari Shut Up and stay away from my babe. She isn't your fiancé. Get it into your empty brain. It has enough space to fill it with this important message, Ragini is mine! The love of this gangster Laksh a.k.a Lucky. Got it!" I said in anger and Tashan.

He lifts his collar, of his open shirt.
*Clapping* "Wah so smart, but not dangerous. He said you are dangerous!"

"Uffo Ragini I come in with a dagger, I left my gun at the security guard he was coming too close to my private part, he didn't checked my ankle!" He lifts an eyebrow. "Can we continue now? By the way his business partner got to know it too!"

Ragini looked at him "What?!"

"That you are the love of a Gangster!"


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Her Gangster & His Love - RagLak (Competed/not edited)Where stories live. Discover now