Before I joined the PjMasks

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I was 3 years old when i met Connor, Amaya, and Romeo at that time my mom found out i had ADHD. I didn't have a dad. It was 6:00 pm when I met Connor he also lost his dad. I met Amaya at 7:56 pm she too lost her dad. When I heard this I ran home and cried for 2 1/2 hours. Connor and Amaya ask me why are you upset. I said " I lost my dad to carxet." they looked at me and said "we all lost are dad to carxet." November 5 it was my 4 birthday but my first birthday with 3 new friends Connor, Amaya, and Romeo a year later Connor's mom was killed but the police said she died of carxet. So I asked my mom if he could live with us she said sure at that time me and Connor created are Kik accounts. So he video call me at 02:59 to say that his mom has died. I didn't know that Romeo killed her as well as my dad, Connor's dad, Amaya's real dad and stepdad until 12 years later.

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