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You had always heard rumors about wandering into the "Cyrvn Forest," your childhood nightmares were made of the tall dark trees, the path beneath their limbs void of any light or sign of life. Children told stories of the monsters that roamed its never-ending abyss, and the elders in the village warned of crossing into the threshold of the forest. Nobody knew what lurked behind the trees, and frankly, nobody wanted to. Even the King refused to hunt within the woods, so there had to be something inside that would scare away the ruler of a kingdom who has no trouble with enemies of any size. But what?

You couldn't believe what you were doing as you stepped onto the winding path of the forest floor, the laughter of the children and their cries of your cowardice slowly dying away behind you as you made trembling steps forward. They had dared you to take twenty-five steps into the forest to prove that you weren't a chicken. You had agreed, of course, on the sheer basis of not wanting to live with the humiliation of turning down a challenge, especially not around them. But, even so, you could feel your heart sink with dread and terror as you walked.

Light seemed nearly absent from the forest floor, small coin-sized pockets of faded grey light scattered around you while the rest remained cast in a blanket of darkness. The match you held in your fingertips shook with your wavering hands, the golden light hardly able to penetrate the inky blackness around you or even the ground beneath your feet. You tried to swallow your fears and superstitions but found your throat rough and dry. You looked over your shoulder, the jeers of the children slowly beginning to leave your vision, the small ray of light swallowed up by the forest.

Just a few more steps  You thought to yourself as you continued to shakily walk forward, quickly turning your head back around to face the path only to-

You fell. Tumbled. You had not seen the end of the road ahead of you and the steep slope that had replaced it. You rolled down the hill, match immediately swept from your hands, your arms covering your face as you fell down the rocks and broken tree branches and roots, feeling your breath leave you as you eventually hit the bottom. Your head knocked against rocks and ground, swimming with stars and a newfound dizziness as you tried to sit up, only to fall back to the ground with a small shriek of pain. Your leg was broken, shattered on the fall. Your head pounded as you looked around you, crying out in pain and fear at the darkness around you, hoping that someone would hear your feeble yells.

You slumped to the ground in defeat as you desperately looked around you, feeling consciousness leave you. Even in the darkness, you could feel your vision fading into nothing. You tried to stay awake but in vain. After a few moments, you slipped away, the last image in your mind was the faint outline of a person beyond the trees, and the feeling as though you were being watched as you slipped into the emptiness.


You don't know when you finally awoke from your painful slumber, or how long it had been since you had fallen into the realm of unconsciousness. You sat up suddenly upon realization of the events prior, but strangely felt no pain in your leg. You moved your foot slightly. Nothing. Your leg was no longer broken. Though confused, your mind was not focused on the idea of your leg magically healing. Instead, you were focused on the simple plan of getting out of the forest as quickly as you could.

You pushed yourself to your feet, looking around you in hopes of seeing some sort of pathway or light to guide you through the woods. Disappointment followed as you turned around as well, only to be met with the same clean sheet of darkness with the occasional sprinkle of light throughout. You looked towards the slope you had fallen from. Too high to be able to scale. You had to find some way around it, and hopefully, a way back home. 

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