[Species] Rat-Folk

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"Rat-folk" is the common name given to the humanoid race of rats that dwell within the forest. When standing up straight, they are usually around 5'6-9, though they often appear smaller due to nearly always being hunched over. Like normal rats, this species is covered in a thin coat of hair that is often described as a mix of brown and puke-green. Their bodies are skinny and frail due to the lack of a proper food source, with beady red eyes set above their jagged and misshapen teeth. They are solitary creatures and are known to be very malicious towards humans or even their own kind. Though they are not known to be very intelligent, they are skilled in the art of potion-making, which they will quickly use to their advantage in any encounter. And if you look like a source of food for them, they will not hesitate to attempt to kill you. 

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