[Species] Cyrvn Crawlers

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 Named after a famous legend of a king (Cyrvn) turning into one of these beasts after selling his daughters to a witch, Cyrvn Crawlers are one of the more popular creatures from the "Boneyard Forest" to be spoken of in legends and stories. They appear to be almost human-like, with six legs like a spider and flesh that appears to be made of tightly intertwined vines. Its mouth and long razor-sharp teeth are hidden behind the blank "mask" that often covers its face, only coming into view when it is getting ready to give a fatal bite. Its claws are long and sharp, though they are rarely used due to the few numbers of animals strong enough to attempt to kill them. When standing on their back legs, their height can range from 50 feet all the way to 150 feet. Though they are often solitary and docile creatures, they will have no hesitation in killing you if you seem even a little threatening or they need some food. 

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