Chap 6: Retracing Our Steps

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6:48 pm

You and Akira walked in to Leblanc and found a vary angry Sojiro. "Hey, I got an interesting call from you school today." Sojiro said. "It's only your first day and you're already showing up hours late?" "It was an accident." Akira tryed to reason with him. "Yeah, that's what everyone says. Look, just don't get into any trouble." Sojiro said. he looked to you. "Can I help you, ma'am?" Sojiro asked. "Oh, I was just walking him back to make sure he didn't get in trouble--" You were interrupted by your stomach. You blushed a little. "S-Sorry, I forgot to eat lunch so I'm pretty hungry. I guess I should leave now." you said awkwardly. "Well, you did say you walked him here to keep an eye on him, so why not eat here?" Sojiro suggested. "A-Are you sure?" You asked. Sojiro nodded. "Well, okay then." You said with a small smile on your face. Sojiro went behind the counter to get something and you sat at the bar. Akira sat at the far end of the it. "Here." Sojira put a plat of curry in front of you. It looked good. "Thanks." You said. Sojiro looked at Akira with a suspicious look. "Go up stairs, do you want to be late tomorrow too?" Sojiro said to Akira. You looked up at Sojiro. "He sleep's in the attic?" You asked. Sojiro looked to you. "You think I want a criminal in my house?" Sojiro said, raysing an eyebrow. "No, but I don't want him to sleep in place where he might get sick." You said and Akira started to panic a bit. "I-It's okay, Alena. I keep it clean so you don't have to worry about that." Akira said. You turned to face him. "Are you sure you're okay with sleeping up there?" You asked and Akira nodded. "I'd rather sleep in the attic than on the streets." Akira said. "Okay, good point. Sorry about that." You said. Sojiro looked at you with a confused look. "So why do you care so much about him?" Sojiro asked. "What's wrong with helping another human being?" You asked and Sojiro gave you look of shock. "You do know he's on probation, right?" Sojiro asked. "Ever heard of being falsely accused? 'Cause I'm pretty sure this guy was." You said and Sojiro just looked at you and Akira was scared. He than started to laugh hard and put a hand on the table. "That sass of yours might be the end of you, y'know." Sojiro said. "So what? Sass runs in the family." You said. You finished the curry and stood up from your set. "Thanks for the food, that was really good!" You said to Sojiro. "Heh, thanks. You better get going, your parents are probably worried." Sojiro said. "But I haven't payed you yet." You said. "You don't have too. You did make sure he wasn't getting into any fight's, so it's on me." Sojiro said. "Okay then, bye!" you waved to them, walking out the door. Sojiro walked out from behind the counter and next to Akira. "To think someone would actually care about a criminal like you." Sojiro chuckled. "So, you mind telling me why she likes you so much?" Sojiro asked, looking at the boy. "I don't know. But she said she doesn't like to jugge people from others experience." Akira said. "Is that so..." Sojiro sighed. "Well, I'm going home. Don't burn the place down." Sojiro stated. "Yes sir." Akira responded, getting up from the bar stool. Sojiro left and Akira washed the dish you used, then went up stairs.

Akira was lying on his bed, thinking about what happened today. 'A castle... That weird cat...' Akira's thoughts went to what you said on the roof. He remembered something you said. "If anything, I think you're the kind of person who would be a great friend. So c'mon, why not?" He smiled to himself a bit, remembering that smile you had. 'Friends, huh?' He spaced out for awhile. 'I should get to sleep.'

??:?? ??

Akira woke up on a bed. But he wasn't in his room. It was the place he had woken up in last night. He sat up and walked to the front of his cell. "...About time you've come to. On your feet, Inmate!" Carline said in a stern voice. "Our master wishes to speak with you. It's for your own sake that you take his words to heart." Justine said in a low voice. "First off, let us celebrate our reunion." the man, who was named Igor, said. "Oh...? You've awakened to your powers. And special ones at that. Your rehabilitation can finally begin." "Rehabilitation?" Akira asked. "There is no need to understand it all for the time being." Igor said. "You will be training the power of Persona, which you have awakened to. Personas are, in other words, a 'mask'--an armor of the heart when confronting worldly matters. I have high expectations of you." "What do you mean?" Akira asked again. "There is no need to worry. You will learn when the time comes." Igor said. "By the by... have you come to appreciate the Metaverse Navigator? Using it will allow you to come and go between reality and Palaces." "Palaces?" Akira was conferenced to say the lest. "...I bestowed it to you as a means to train you as a thief." the bird man finished. "The Metaverse Navigator is gift from our master! You better take care in using it, Inmate!" Caroline said. Well, more like yelled. "Devote yourself to your training so that you may become a fine thief." said Justine. "It must be disheartening to make use of the Metaverse Navigator alone." Igor continued. "Should there be others who would prove beneficial to you, I will grant it to them as well. This is all for you to grow as a most excellent thief..." the sound of a shrine could be heard. "Hmph, it's time. Go back and enjoy whatever rest you might have..." said Caroline. Akira started to grow week.

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