Chap 7: Back At The Castle

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You, Ryuji and Akira were looking at a castle, but this castle was in the place of your school. "Look! It'a the castle from yesterday!" Ryuji said. The blonde looked around then ran to the main door. You let go of Akira's arm and followed the blonde boy. Ryuji stopped at the closed door. "We made it back... That means what happened yesterday was for real too..." Ryuji said, turning to face you two. Ryuji had a look of shock when he saw you two. "...Yeargh! Your clothes...!" You and Akira noticed that the two of you had the same clothes on when you summoned your Persona's. You look at yourself confused on why you were dressed like this. "That happened last time to, huh!? What's with those outfits!?" Ryuji asked. "I think I look pretty badass." You said to the blonde. "You jelly?" Akira asked with a smug tone. "I-I ain't jealous!" Ryuji stuttered. "Sure you are." You said with a mocking tone. "What's goin' on here!? This makes no effin' sense at all..." The blonde yelled. A familiar cat popped his head out from a corner. "Hey!" Morgana ran to you three. "Stop making a commotion." the cat said. "Ah... You!?" Ryuji look at Morgana. "The Shadows here started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be..." Morgana shook his head. "...To think you three would come back to the entrance when you barely managed to escape. "What is this place? ...Is it the school?" You asked Morgana. "That's right." Morgana responded. "But it's a castle!" Ryuji yelled. "This castle IS the school. But only to this castle's ruler." Morgana said. "The castle's ruler...?" Ryuji muttered. Morgana put his paw-like hands on his belt. "I think you called him Kamoshida? It's how his distorted heart views the scool." The cat said. "So I'm really in some sort of anime..." You muttered to your self with a straight face. Akira heard you and snickered a bit. "Kamoshida... Distorted...?" Ryuji looked at you and Akira then back to Morgana. "Explain it in a way that makes sense!" Ryuji yelled at the cat. "What are you yelling at him about? It makes perfect sense." You said to the blonde. Ryuji turned to face you. "How does it makes sense to you!?" Ryuji yelled at you. "Anime, that's how." you responded. Akira and Morgana sweat-droped. "...But, I shouldn't have expected a moron to get it..." Morgana said, shaking his head and crossing his arms. Ryuji turned to the cat. "What did you say!?" Ryuji yelled. Just then, you, Akira, Morgana and Ryuji heard the sound of someone screaming in pain. You stepped away from the door, scared. "What was that!?" You asked, a bit panicked. "It must be the slaves captive here." Morgana said. "For real!?" Ryuji yelled. (STOP YELLING RYUJI!!!) You heard the pained screams of the slaves again. "Oh, shit... It's for real!" Ryuji said. "We saw other guys held captive here yesterday... I'm pretty sure they're from our school." "Most likely on Kamoshida's orders. It's nothing out of the ordinary; it's like that everyday here. What's more, you three escaped yesterday. He must have lost his temper quite a bit." Morgana said. "That son of a bitch...!" Ryuji clenched his fist in anger. "Ryuji...?" Morgana asked. "...This is bullshit!" Ryuji Ran to the door and body slammed it. "You hear me, Kamoshida!?" Ryuji yelled to the door. "Doing that isn't going to open it' y'know... Still, it seems you have your reasons." Morgana said. Ryuji walked back to you. "Hey, Monamona!" Ryuji said. "It's Morgana!" The cat responded. "Do you know where those voices are coming from...?" Ryuji asked. "You want me to take you to them?" Morgana asked. "Please..." You said. "...Well, I guess I could guide you there. But only if you two come with us." Morgana said. "Fine by me." You responded. You hated the very concept of slavery. "Why us?" Akira asked. "........" You and Ryuji looked at Akira with a straight face. "I just want to get a better look at your powers. Even if you don't agree, I bet this guy'll go on even if he has to do it alone. Are you gonna leave him?" Morgana said. "I said I'd fucking go." You responded. "I never said that." Akira stateded. "It's settled then!" Morgana had a smile on his face. "For real...!? ...Thanks you two." Ryuji said. "All right, let's do this. Follow me!" Morgana ran off and you three fallowed him. You all stopped at the same place you got out yesterday. "This is our infiltration point." Morgana said. "Ain't that where we escaped outta last time...?" Ryuji asked. "That's right. Not barging in the through the entrance is one of the basiscs of phantom thievery." Morgana said. "How're we supposed to know about that stuff...?" Ryuji scratched his head. Morgana jumped onto a barrel than onto the vent. He looked to you three from his high spot. "I'll make sure to teach you as we go. Come on, follow me!" Morgana walked further in the vent. "So, uh... sorry for draggin' you two into all this... But I can't forgive that bastard Kamoshida doin' whatever the hell he wants!" Ryuji smiled at you two. "Really though, thanks for comin' along. I owe you two big time!" "It's no problem, Ryuji. I want to stop the people here from getting hurt anymore then they already have." You said. Akira nodded. You, Ryuji and Akira went through the vent that Morgana went through. You all claimed down from the bookshelf and found Morgana waiting for you. You three walk up to the cat. "Man, this place is as creepy as always." Ryuji muttered. "You've only been here once, how would you know?" You asked in a sarcastic tone. "Whatever..." Ryuji said. "Mm-hm. Now, make sure you do exactly as I say, all right?" Morgana stetted. You three nodded. Morgana ran to through the door that was open and went to the hallway. He turned to make sure you three where following him. "...Follow me!" Morgana said. You, Ryuji and Akira ran after the cat into the hall. Morgana ran to the next room witch was the main entrance. You three fallowed him to the middle of the room. "Hey... We went by here when we came in the front..." Ryuji asked. All of a sudden, the room combined with the intense to the school, then change back. "What the...!?" Ryuji was shaken. "I was seein' double or something just now...! Was that Shujin!?" Ryuji asked. Morgana turned to face the blonde. "I've told you before. This place is your school. Regardless, we don't have the time to stand around. Who knows when a Shadow might show up." Morgana said. "He's right, let's get going." you said. "Glad to see you understand. Come on, this way!" Morgana said. You three fallowed Morgana to the other side of the room and walked through a doorway that led to a flight of stairs. "And more stairs, hooray..." You said with an anime-like blue tint on your face. "Quite your whining and go." The cat said. "Fine..." You three, plus the cat, ran down to the bottom of the stairs.

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