Chap 11: The Information You Need

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April 14th Thursday 6:48 A.M.

"Hello? Hellloooo?" You heard a voice say to you. You turned on your side to face away from it. You heard a sigh. "Hey! Get up! Your gonna be late!" 'Late...?' You thought in confusion, than it clicked. Your eyes shot open and you jumped out of bed, but ended up stumbling over yourself and landed face first onto the floor. Morgana sweat dropped and sighed again. "Are you always this scattered?" He asked. You sat up off the floor, rubbing your forehead. "Ow... No, not really." You said as you got up off the floor and checked the time. You looked at the cat with an annoyed look. "It's almost seven. Class doesn't start til 8:30." You said. "How am I supposed to know that?!" Morgana snapped at you. You sighed. "Well, I'm up now. Might as well get ready for school." You said as you walked over to your closet. You got your uniform out and Morgana left the room so you could change in peace. Once you were done you walked out of your room and made food for you and the cat. Time flew fast and it was almost time to get going. Morgana was in your bag and you had it over your shoulder. "You ready, Monamona?" You asked. "Don't call me that please." He said and you giggled. "I'll take that as a yes." You opened the door and walked to the train station. On the way you were talking with Morgana. "Hey, FYI, I suggest you don't talk until we get to the guys, okay? We need to make sure nobody freaks out after hearing a talking cat." You said. "Fine, but no promises' that I'll stay compliantly quit." Morgana said just as you reached the station. You were waiting for a while when your phone went off.

Akira: Hey, where are you?

At the train station, why? :You

Just after you sent the text, Someone grabbed your shoulders and out of instinct, you swung your bag at whoever jumped you. It hit him in the face and Morgana let out a mewl of pain. "Ow..." When you looked at who jumped you, you saw black frizzy hair and glasses. "What did you put in there, Dung bells?" He asked. You panicked and put a hand on where you hit him. "I'm so sorry, Akira! I didn't mean to hurt you. You just scared me and I swung my bag out of habit." You said. "I-It's fine. I deserved it." He said with a painful smile. You sighed and took your hand away. "Seriously, Akira. Don't sneak up on me unless you want that to happen again." You said. Akira chuckled and put his hand down. "Anyway, were you able to find Morgana?" Akira asked and you nodded. "Yeah, but I don't know if he'll give that much Intel to you and Ryuji." You said and Akira gave you a confused look. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Well, I said I'd help him get back his memory's if he helped us. But I didn't know if either of you would, so he might not be as inclined to tell you or Ryuji." You said, scratching the back of your head. "Than again, I might be wrong! You never know." You said and shrugged your shoulders. Akira gave you a confused smile. Your train arrived soon and you got on. You hugged your bag close to your chest. "I deserve an apology to, y'know." Morgana said though your bag. You sighed. "I'm really sorry, Morgana. I didn't mean to hurt either." You said. "Thank you." Morgana said.

You were walking down the path way to school with Akira, when someone bumped into you, causing you to drop your bag. "Watch where you're going, new girl." A female voice said to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any harm to you, Miss." You said as you bent down to pick your bag up, but the girl got it before you did. "Geez, what's in here, a base ball bate?" She mocked. You just gave her a confused face. "Why would I have something like that?" You asked. She scoffed. "You're from America, aren't you? I thought everyone there was a criminal. Guess I was right, since you hang out with that transfer all the time." Your eyebrow was twitching. You weren't angry at her for mocking your home country, but you were mad at her for assuming that Akira was a horrible person. At this point some other schoolmates were watching what was going down. You heard what the other students were saying. "Tsukana is going at it again." "Really? Why does that girl like to pick fights so much?" "You think it's because she doesn't have many friends?" "Who'd want to friends with someone like her anyway?" You took a deep breath and clapped your hand, surprising the other students. "Congrats! You found out that the U.S. is a horrible place a live. Yes, we do have a high criminal activity rate. But I don't appreciate you making fun of my friend. He is actually a vary kind person who is fun to be around and people who judge others over some stupid rumors shouldn't really talk to me." You said with a slightly cheerful demeanor. Every one looked at you dumb founded at what you said as you grabbed your bag from the girl. "Thank you for my bag." You said and started walking to the gate, dragging Akira with you. Once you were in your classroom, Akira looked over at you. "Did... Did you mean it?" He asked. You looked at him. "Did I mean what?" You asked. Akira scratch the back of hi neck and looked to the side. "What you said about me being a fun and kind person." He said. You gave him a small smile. "Mm-hm, I mean it a lot. Even if we've only known each other for a few days, I can tell your a good person at heart. No matter what you may have done in the past." You said. Akira looked back at you a bit shocked than smiled a bit. "Thanks for that." He said. The door opened and the teacher walked in. Akira looked back to the front of the room and class started.

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