Chapter Twelve

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The little brat... she pleads for me to teach her how to become an animagus, but refuses to put in the effort! The Dark Lord's magic crackles around him dangerously. No matter... I have much more important things to attend to than that of the whims of a little girl.

Voldemort apparated to the ministry where he was immediately greeted by a very enthusiastic secretary.

"Lord Slytherin, I can take your coat if you'd like." His secretary asked.

He did not look twice at her before flinging his robe at her. He marched down to his office quickly, only slowed down by idle greetings from other ministry workers.

Voldemort's office at the Ministry of Magic was directly in front of the Ministers office.  Upon entering he found his giant and intricately carved wooden desk with two stacks of letters he has yet to open. The wall immediately behind his desk was made completely of windows, only breaking the pattern in the center where he had a spacious balcony overlooking muggle London. The rest of his walls were colored with various tomes, books, and scrolls that went from floor to ceiling.

Voldemort day down at his desk exhaling loudly. He pulled the pile of letters from his desk and began opening them.

Lord Slytherin,

I would like to invite you to the 10th annual quibbler anniversary. It would be a great honor to have you there, and the wrackspurts have said that it is imperative that you d-

The letter went up in flames. I don't have time for the nonsensical dribbles of Xenophilius Lovegood. What a despicable name...

The next letter was the annual report from Hogwarts... Another successful year under my rule... He mused. The marks for this school year were light years better than years previous. Hogwarts was now ranked number two magical school in the Wizarding world. Ilvermorny was their only competition. By next year, Hogwarts would absolutely be first...

Voldemort felt a flare of thrill run through him. Hara was apparently having a good time. He closed his eyes and focused their link.

Hara... What have I told you about occluding your mind. It presently feels as though you are intentionally projecting your feelings and thoughts to my person. The Dark Lord's thoughts rang in Hara's mind like an old barmy Professors words would.

Maybe I am? I am just trying to share my wonderful day with you! Hara's thoughts came to him in a sickly sweet, and abhorantly sarcastic tone.

"You should have spent your day on practicing on becoming an animagus... That would have been infinitely more gratifying than getting particles of sand everywhere they don't belong."

Hara focuses with all her might. Voldemort feels her mind knocking against his. Attempting to throw his into the trance like state they can share to experience something through the others eyes. The Dark Lord leans back into his chair and props his dragon leather dress boots onto his ornate desk.

"What is it you're so desperate to show me my little Horcrux..?" He lets out a breath and drops his mental barriers enough for his mind to join hers. He sees an emerald sea glistening in the horizon, and gentle waves rolling into a cliff that Hara is standing upon. She feels free, like she can fly, she wants to fly... oh... don't you dare...

Hara takes a running leap off of the cliff face sending her hurtling down into the summer waters below. Her body shoots through the water. The temperature feels refreshing on her sun kissed skin.

The Dark Lord on the other hand is unamused. He severs their shared vision abruptly as soon as he feels the water against his.. her? Skin...

"Bloody brat..." He growls through their connection.

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