Chapter 29

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Grace's POV

Once I woke up I felt groggy and scared. I thought I escaped but it must have been a dream. A groan left my lips as I tried to shake the fog in my head away and get my bearings. Hearing some shuffling in the room my hear started beating faster and a whimper left my lips and tears fell. 

"Shhh Grace you're safe. It's Logan, your not there your in a hospital." 

Listening to Logan whisper to me while I tried to blink my eyes rapidly to clear the haze as well as fog from my mind, things clear up and I can finally see my surroundings. 

I sob as I realize it was all real. I am free... for now. Shane is still free but I have Duke, Logan... and even Spencer. My heart aches at the thought of him. 

I understand where he's coming from but still in the back of my mind I still wonder... Did he really want to tell me, or was he going to if Logan didn't push him... Did he feel that I was spoiled or ruined after it all happened? Especially since I chose to keep the baby? Maybe he isn't ready to settle down and have children, further more children of a rapist.  

"Hey Grace... get out of that head of yours. I can see you falling apart." 

Tears fall faster as I look at Logan and I start telling him all my fears and doubts. I want to talk to Spencer so bad, but I feel that I need to process all my thoughts and emotions before taking his on as well. 

"Look Grace, he understands. Trust me, he's waited to find you, he never thought of another. He will wait until you are ready before moving on. Trust me." 

"Ok" I whisper to him and soon we both look up when we hear a throat clear at the door. 

"The doctor is here to check on you Grace." Duke say's while looking at me with a look of what appears as sympathy as well as pity. It hurts. I don't want others to look at me with pity or even sympathy. I want to be seen as strong. 

The doctor enters and does some more examinations and soon declares I am able to be released under supervision.

"Keep an eye on her closely, if anything with you or the baby feels weird let them know. Any spotting, or pain come to the hospital immediately. I'm placing you on bed rest as well, I want you to be stress free as much as possible, your sugars as well as blood pressure are concerning. I will send home a sugar checker as well as a blood pressure cuff. Keep an eye on them. Eat  lots and drink plenty of water. You need to gain some more weight." 

Feeling overwhelmed with all the information he's giving me I look over to Logan hoping that maybe he understands. Once he feels my eyes boring into him he glances over to me. 

"I got the information. Don't worry." He smiles a bright smile making the pressure in my chest ease just a smidgen. 

"I also scheduled you an OB appointment for in a weeks time. I want you to see them every week to ensure things are going alright with the baby as well as you after all this. Sound good?"

"Yeah Doc, we have it covered. Thank you." After they shake hands I release a breath of relief. I'm free to go home.... Well Spencer's house. 

"Spencer left some of his spare clothes before he left. He went to the motel last night to get your things as well as him and some of the other cops went to the restaurant and picked up your car. 

"Thank you... I appreciate you guy's doing all this for me. I'm sorry for being a burden." I whisper the last bit. 

"Look you don't need to thank us, and you are DEFINITELY not a burden. Far from it. Your like a sister to me now. 

"Well thank you Logan, you're like the big brother I always wished for." Once I was showered and dressed we left the hospital in Duke's truck. He drove us to a McDonald's and we all got some breakfast as well as coffee's for them, they wouldn't let me get anything but a water. They ordered the pancakes, sausage, egg and biscuits for me... TWO plates of it. Then ordered for themselves. 

"So Logan is Spencer at work?"

"Actually.... He's taking a week off. He wanted to take some time off and they are dealing with looking for Shane right now and arraigning Mel and sentencing Mark and Dean." 

Sighing I had a feeling I wouldn't get my first day back as Spencer free. 

Once we arrive at the house I take a deep breath and once Logan open's my door we walk to the house and I can see him standing there waiting for us. 

"Did you guy's bring me anything?" He asks looking at us with what appears as puppy dog eyes. 

Logan holds the bag up and Spencer smiles a bright smile, but his eyes say something different. 

We all enter the house and I feel overwhelmed once again at the beauty. "Hey Grace, let me show you to your room real quick ok?" Spencer asks softly while looking at me with hope. 

Nodding my head I follow him back to the hall with all the rooms. Once I come to the door to the room I stayed in before I glance up at him with a brow rose. 

"It's the same room as before? So why did you need to show me the room?" 

Opening the door he let's me see that he did make some changes to the room. There's security screens on one wall as well as a window with alarms in place and locked. "There have been some changes. I want to show you something specific. The closet has an addition to it. I created a small panic room. I made a security station in your room as well as the one that Duke will be staying in. If there ever is a situation you will be able to lock yourself away in the closet in the panic room. Once things happened and you went missing I spent my spare time in creating this as well as bringing in others to help." 

I was speechless, he spent all this time and money on helping me to feel safe and secure. 

"Now I know why Logan said you wouldn't want me to stay at his place. You created a mini security station here." 

A slight blush builds up his neck while he scratches the back of it. "I feel terrible that I wasn't able to keep you safe, so I wanted to make sure I would be able to this time around. I'm sorry about not being there..." He whispers. 

Feeling my heart break I don't think about it, I just lean over to him and wrap my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest. He has to bend slightly to wrap his arms around me as well. 

"It wasn't your fault Spence. I appreciate everything you have done and are doing now. Thank you." 

Well what did you think about that reveal? 

One more chapter before I will start on book 2! :) 

1,221 words :)

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