Getting Approval.

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(Y/N) lazily trudged trough the sand.Never before had she walked this long through a desert without stopping at all.If she had fo guess,she'd say that they had been walking for at least 3 hours.Meanwhile,Sasori was perfectly fine.Although,it was probably because he was a puppet and didn't get malnourished because he didnt have actual body parts.The (Height) girl gave him the side eye discreetly.She slightly glared,wishing she could walk that long."I could make you a puppet if you'd like me to.It is a very painful process though,I do have to warn you."
(Y/N) eyes widened in shock."I thought you recruited me for a good reason!You aren't supposed to kill me after!"Sasori sighed."Well,it wouldn't kill you.Also,I didn't recruit you.You're merely a suggestion.Our leader is the one who decides if you are worthy.If you don't get his approval,he'd probably just kill you."

"Well,you would know our location and secrets,so..."

(Y/N) nodded."Fair point,Fair point."

A/N Here!Have this for now!I have really bad writers block and I will continue soon.A wopping 190 words 😱😱😱 ikr.mhm.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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