~Burn The Stage Ep1~

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A/N- Wassup wassup man FINALLY GOT MY LAPTOP BACK AFTER A GODDAMN MONTHS and because of it the fire of writing this fic has diminished a little WHICH IS WHY I FINALLY DECIDED TO WATCH 'BURN THE STAGE' FOR INSPIRATION I've been avoiding watching it cause , well, sigh, procrastination (I blame all the youtubers who make BTS compilation videos and I currently have 21 videos in my watch later list lol)


<Personal interview>

 "Hello." Kris smiled at the camera, hiding his initial jitters. "I am Bangtan's most sensible member and my name is Kris. I am also in charge of being the coolest member of Bangtan." He winked cheekily. "You may also know me as the camera man of Bangtan."


<2017.02.04. THE WINGS TOUR, D-14. Pre-production Rehearsal>

The members are sitting in a room and eating their food. 

"Here's the cue sheet." Manager-hyung accounced. "Not Today, Am I Wrong, Bapsae, Dope, War of Hormone, 21st century girls."

"Stigma is in the end of second part."

Kris just quietly ate while scrolling through his phone, his hair up in a messy bun.

"I just end up wasting time if I try to study in the studio."

"The study room is the best for studying."

"I once got ready with my book and went to the starbucks down the street, but then I noticed that I forgot my pen." Laughter exploded.

"I once went to the roof for a quite and calm place for studying." Kris started speaking. 

"Did you fall asleep?" Hobi asked with an amused grin.

"Yeah." Kris answered with a grin, making everyone laugh. "It's not my fault the weather was too nice that day."

Jungkook put a napkin on the humidifier and went, "Mitneun ge anya~" making everyone laugh.

Kris suddenly burped, "Oh shit, sorry."

Everyone laughed and Jungkook threw the napkin in his face.

"Everyone, the camera is on." Taehyung said surprised.

"What?" Kris looked at the camera.

"D-didn't you just burped and swear in front of the camera?" asked Jin laughing and pointing at Kris. 

Everyone laughed while Kris looked like he wanted to run out the room screaming. In the end he just turned around and buried his face on the back of the couch, making Jimin laugh and slap Kris' butt.


<At the Venue>

Kris walked around recording with his camera. He saw Taehyung and zoomed in on his butt giggling to himself. 

"Ah~ What a view~" He whispered to the camera. 

Taehyung heard him and turned around. He gasped theatrically and hid his butt. "Pervert." He pouted pointing at Kris.

"Sorry, you're not my type." Kris retorted. 

Taehyung pushed his hair back and made a sexy face, "Hyung, I'm everyone's type."

Kris put his camera down with a deadpan look and said, "Your ugliness broke my camera."




"We were told that the number of concerts in our Wings Tour is as many as the concerts we've given so far." Kris said to the camera, brushing his purple hair back. "That's.... a lot." He chuckled. "I'm excited to meet the Internatonal ARMY's and I hope none of them leave any of the shows unsatisfied." 


<Practicing on Stage>

Kris practiced on the stage for his solo performance 'Eventide'. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he danced and rapped and sang with two backup dancers.

"What if we stopped the music during this rap verse and I just walked to the front edge?" Kris talked with the stage director. "And when the music starts again there's an increase in the base? Could that work?"

"Let's try it and see."

Kris stood in the middle of the stage with eyes closed and felt the music as it suddenly stopped and and started again with a loud base.

"Please decrease the base a little bit." They did it again. "Yes, that's it. Thank you very much."



"The last thing any one us wants is someone to say 'Aish, I just wasted three hours of my life.'" Kris adjusted his glasses. "What we want is to give them something. I hope they're inspired by our music, and we make something positive in their life, even if it's just for a moment."


 <Practice stage>

"It's been a long since I've sang so many songs in a row, my legs are shaking." Jin laughed. "I need to work harder."

"You're legs are shaking? It's because your old." Jimin dissed him as he walked by.

"There's always that one person that will diss you." Jin complained in his aegyo voice. "You do it too." He said to Taehyung.

"What's wrong? My Jin is handsome." Taehyung smiled.

"Yahhh. Isn't he an upright friend?" Jin grinned happy.



"I hope that I'm a better human and more mature by the end of this tour." Kris spoke. "There's still so much that I'm have to learn, so much of the world that I have to see." He sighed. "The thing that I'm most afraid of is, everything just passing by in the blink of an eye. I hope that never happens. I want to experience every moment with Bangtan for a long long time."



Kris is once again recording everything with his camera.

He recorded his brothers laughing and playing and dancing on the stage. Singing to each other with smiles on their face. Recording them as they worked hard and still managed to find joy in their work after all these years of hardships. 

Kris smiled and turned off his camera.

After all, some moments can only be recorded by the heart.



"To me a year later? Well," Kris pondered. "I hope you've learned more things, future Kris. But most of all I hope you have learned to be a little stupid and a little selfish. There's nothing wrong with wanting more from life and I hope you work hard for them instead of lazying around like me." Kris grins innocently. "I also hope you've used this opportunity to be more open to your fans and in front of the camera instead of hiding behind it. Use the Wings tour to spread your Wings."


A/N- Also lemme know if anyone is reading my other book cause most probably I'm gonna stop writing it unless some people actually wanna read it. Cause I started that book to show my love to BTS but now it just feels weird to write about their pre-debute days and write about their hardships that we don't actually know anything about. 

I'm on the fence with that other book, and I also have a lot of notes on it, that's why I don't know what to do with it.


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