~Burn The Stage Ep2~

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<2017.02.05, THE WINGS TOUR, D-13, SEOUL, KOREA>


Kris just looked at the camera. 

"I have no idea what to say." He scrunched up his face embarrassed, chuckling. "There's definitely a lot more pressure to do our best. Not that we wouldn't give our best anyway." He leaned back with a sigh. "We have our solos, and sub-unit performances, and a lot of group performances. We've planned to make the best show for everyone." He looked at the camera lens. "All I can think about are the thousands of people that are coming to watch us, taking time out of their lives and spending their hard-earned money to come watch us. And all I can think of is, 'Next time I want more people, a better stage, a better performance.'" He shrugged. "I'm really, really selfish."



"ARMYYYYYYYYY!" Kris shouted in his mic. He grinned when the crowd shouted back. God, this made him shiver every time. "Did you enjoy the show?!" The cheered again. 

"We could give this big concert thanks to you, ARMY." said Taehyung. "We really thank you. WE LOVE YOU!" He then made a big heart over his head making the crowd scream. 

The intro to 'Spring Day' starts playing. 



"When I look into the crowd, I wish I could memorize every single face." Kris motioned in front of him. "Their happy faces, glowing, singing with us. Except when they're crying." He cringed. "People look really ugly when they cry, I wish they would keep smiling and stay happy. That's my wishful thinking." The hyung behind the camera said something. "Huh?"

"*chuckles* Don't call people ugly, they might get mad." Hyung said.

"Oh, sorry." Kris apologized to the camera. "I'll lie next time." He then whispered. "But how else am I supposed to show my love if I don't insult them like they're family?" 

"Aegyo?" Hyung suggested.

Kris just made a bitchface.



"I can't cry during a happy day." Jhope commented wiping his tears. He then proceeds to fake cry in front of the camera.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" Everyone cheered in the dressing room.

"Health for BTS, ARMY and Big Hit. That's what I wish for. Thank you everyone!" Hobi smiled.

"We promised we won't play with food." Jimin warned Hoseok and then proceeded to play with Hoseok. 

To no one's surprise they ended up dropping the cake on Suga's back. 

"The cake!" Kris cried out. "Nooooooo."

"Park Ji-min! Park Ji-min!" Hoseok blamed Jimin with a smile on his face.

Suga magically spoke french for a few moments. 

"AHH THE CAKE!" Kris tried to salvage the cake by wiping it off Yoongi's jacket with his fingers and then licking them.

"What are you doing, Kris?!" Yoongi blurted out.

"Don't worry, Suga-hyung. You taste delicious~"

"Aish! What are you saying?!" Yoongi responded by repeatedly kicking Kris' in the ass. 

"Someone save meee~"

No one saved Kris from getting his ass beat.


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