War AU

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He chokes as he tries to breathe.


"What are you thinking about?" Namjoon blinked, his daydreaming interrupted.


"What are you thinking about?" repeated Kris. He is leaning forward, looking intently at Namjoon, brown eyes hiding behind his overgrown hair.

Namjoon smiled faintly, turning to look at the wheat fields again.


He tastes blood in his mouth. 


"Just thinking about the future." said Namjoon. 

"Well," said Kris, leaning back on the wooden fence. "That sounds fun."

Namjoon smiled at his friend's dry comment. 

"Tell me, Oh Great One." Kris jested, smirking. "What do you see?"

The wheat field rustled with the wind.

"I see a house, our home. I have my own bedroom. You can see the ocean and smell the salt from the window." Namjoon smiled faintly at that thought, closing his eyes against the sunlight. "And some days you see the green forest with tress so big they look like they could touch the sky. On the days it shows the ocean, we go to the beach to play with crabs and make castles out of sand. On the days it shows the forest, I chase the small critters while you paint for hours."

Kris looked at Namjoon. His fingers twitch, filled with an unexplainable urge to just touch. He makes a beautiful subject, Kim Namjoon. His black black hair shining, tan skin painted gold in the sunlight, a faint smile on his face as he imagined his, their, dream home. 

Kris looked at Namjoon at that moment, and he wondered if this is what an eternity looked like.

"Sounds like a nice dream." said Kris, softly.

"Not a dream." Namjoon immediately corrected. "Our future." He grinned cheekily at Kris.

Kris rolled his eyes at his friend's optimistic attitude.

"What do you see in your future?" Namjoon asked.

Kris shrugged, and thought about it.


He crawled forward, desperately, ignoring the gunfire and the screams of the wounded.


"Any future with you in it is just fine with me." 

Namjoon smiled again, the brightest he had ever smiled, and Kris knew his home was where ever Namjoon was. Because for him, Namjoon was home.


He panted heavily. He finally reached his destination.

He turns the body around and sobs finally escape him when he sees his friend, no, his brother.

"No, no." He whined, softly wiping the blood on his brother's face. "Oh, Joon-ah."

He chokes and his eyes blur with tears. 

"Joon-ah." Kris croaks, desperately. "Namie." He begs. He can only say his name, because that's the only word that matters at that moment. His name is the only one that matters. Namjoon's name is the only one that matters.

Kris' lips tremble. He can't bring himself to speak anything any more. He ignores the war around him, and softly cradles Namjoon's face in his hands, caressing his cheek with his thumb. 

Kris has heard people say that when people d ie, they look like they're sleeping. Kris calls bullshit cause Namjoon doesn't look like he's sleeping he looks LIKE HE'S DEAD

He sobs, and an anguished scream escapes his throat.

Kris remembers the boy who made the sun look dim. The boy who read books and looked at the world with hope even after knowing how cruel it was. The boy who wrote songs and poems and loved so beautifully. The boy who saw a dessert and described it as the sea. The boy who made mistakes and became better from it. 

The boy who looked at the wheat field, half burnt due to war, and still dared to dream of a future, a home.

His best friend, his brother, his soulmate. 

Kris fell on the ground, his vision growing dark.

He finally paid attention to his leg, half of it missing from the knee down. He lied down next to Namie, tears dripping towards his hairline. 

He closed his eyes, and laced his trembling fingers with Namjoon's unmoving ones.

"Lets go home, Namjoon-ah." Kris whispers.

Let's go home. 




A/N- I was feeling sad the whole day for some reason so I decided to write a chapter and this is what came out

Not ashamed to admit that I cried while writing, which was a first time for me

I hope you cried too

now I can finally concentrate on studying again

who am I kidding thats not gonna happen

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