Chapter 1

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"HAHAHAHAHA, YOU'RE ALL ALONE!" Men laugh and shout creepily as they stab two helpless little girls at the same time. A third little girl in the background opened her mouth to speak but no sound was heard and she wasn't able to move. Being unable to do anything as she watched as those she cared for be killed, she began to sob continually, being overcome with grief and regret.


I jolt out of bed, I felt tears streaming down my face but I didn't care. 'Wendy! Aleah!' I thought. I run over to the room next door and see blue heads of hair spread across the bed. I sigh in relief, greatful that my sisters were safe and sleeping peacefully, I smile and softly close the door. After getting ready I go down stairs to make us breakfast. 'It's my fault, if it weren't for me mom and dad wouldn't have been killed and Erza and Annie wouldn't have been caught.' "Snap out of it, Mel! It's been 4 and a half years since that happened!" I say to myself. "Mela, are you okay?" I look behind me only to see nobody there. "Come on Mel, stop day-dreaming." I sigh and shake my head. I finish making breakfast and go to wake up my sisters, Wendy and Aleah Marvell. I gently shake my twin. "Aleah, get up." she turns to her side, pulling the blanket over her head. "Aleah, get up, breakfast is ready..." I say as she groggily gets out of bed then I went to wake up Wendy. "Wendy, time to get up, breakfast is ready." I say softly as I shake her awake, she jolts out of bed and runs to the table, I laugh at her silliness and follow her with Aleah close behind. We got to the table and started eating then I asked "So whose turn is it to go into town?" "I think it's mine" Aleah replied. "Can I go with you, pleeeaaaaassssse, Leah" Wendy begged with puppy-dog eyes, we laugh then Aleah turns to me and our 'mom', Grandeeney for approval, we nod. I hug my sisters as we tell them goodbye. Then they head off into town. I decided to go and take a nap while they were in town. "-la! Mela! Wake up!" "Ugh... 5 more minutes..." "Mela, Grandeeney's gone!" I hear my 5 year old sister say. I jolt out of bed and look at my little sister with wide eyes. I throw on a pair of clean clothes and run to the cave -which is next to the cottage- and run around hoping Wendy was just playing with me. 'Please tell me this is some kind of horrible joke!... You can't be gone! You can't just leave us like this, Grandeeney! We already lost mom and dad, you can't just abandon us! You were like a second mother to us! Please Grandeeney come back!' I thought, "Aleah?!" I called to my twin sister "Where's Grandeeney?" I asked worriedly, practically shouting as tears welled up in my eyes. She frowns, "I don't know..." she replies sadly. Tears stream down our faces, I slowly walk back into the cottage and grab three backpacks then start putting the things we need in it. I wipe my tears and walk outside to my sisters and hand them each a bag then start walking. I can feel them looking at me, I turn around to see them looking at me sadly, I smile brightly and say "I'm sorry, I overreacted but i'm okay now." They look at each other and look at me again, seeing my bright smile they smile and catch up with me. We've been walking aimlessly, looking for our mom for several minutes but then I hear a voice from behind. "Mela?" Wendy calls, "What is it, Wendy?" I replied softly. "Can you carry me, please?" I stop and smile at her, "Sure." I move my backpack to my front, then bend down so she can climb on my back once she's on I ask "Are you comfortable?" I can feel her nod her head against my back I stand up and start to walk but then I stop again. "Aleah? Are you coming?" I don't hear her answer, I turn around to see her looking at the sky. "Are you okay, Leah?" Then all of a sudden she starts crying and I start panicking. "I'm sorry, what ever I did i'm sorry! Please tell me what I did and i'll fix it!" "No, No, No! It's not you!" She says, trying to convince me that I wasn't the reason she was upset. "Then what is it?" I ask curiously, "It's just..." I tilt my head, not understanding what she was getting at. "Where do you think Grandeeney went?" My facial expression softens, "Sorry...never mind... let's just keep going..." I frown as she starts walking I wanted to comfort her but I didn't want to make her more upset then she already was 'I'll talk to her later...' I thought and started to follow her.

Melody! Where Are You?! [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz