Chapter 3

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"My name is Sorano Agria! It's nice to meet you! Hey-! Wait-what are you doing?! You shouldn't be moving yet!" She shouted in panic. "Sorry, my name is Melody Marvell... hey, can I ask you a question?" "Hm? Sure, what is it?" "Do you know Erza and Annie?" "Um... no, I haven't heard those names before, sorry." She replied sadly.

Melody quietly muttered a few words under her breath. "Thanks anyways..." She starts to get up again but the girl named Sorano pushes her back down.

"Let me go!"

"No! I told you! You shouldn't be moving yet!" Sorano yells back.

"Sorry but I need to find my sisters... I can't sit here while they're out there somewhere..." Melody mumbled sadly.

Another voice joins the conversation, surprising the young girl while Sorano huffed in annoyance at the boy's statement. "She's right, for once." He scoffed. "Rest up and then find whoever it is that you're looking for, I'm sure they wouldn't want you dead."

Melody raised an eyebrow, "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Oh, right... My name is Eric, you?"


"No last name? Weird." He huffed. "Just because I didn't say it doesn't mean I don't have one, besides, who are you to talk, you haven't told me yours or even if you have one!" Melody retorted with a sassy tone, despite her slightly injured state. He scoffed but said nothing.


"Well what?"

"Do you have one?..."

He stays silent and looks down at the floor. "I'm sorry- I- i wasn't think-"

"Nah, it's fine. I never knew my family so it's not a big deal..."

"W-what?! No! It is a big deal! You've never had people you cared about?! That's wrong! Nobody should go through that!" Melody yelled, heartbroken for the maroon haired boy, dispite them meeting only a few minutes ago; she felt bad for Eric, he never had a family, no friends, no one. 'Erza... Annie... they don't have family either... Me, Wendy, Aleah, mom, dad, Gray, Uncle Sliver, Aunt, and Ur were the only people that ever talked to them. The only kids that were friends with them -or even talked to them- around their age was Wendy, Aleah, Gray, and myself...' Melody thought sadly as she started realizing how alone Annie and Erza truly were. "It's fine... anyway, what about you? Do you have one?" She quickly snaps out of her thoughts, "Oh... um... yeah..."

"What is it?"

"Marvell.. "

"Hey, you ok? You look upset." He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Well you don't look like it, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking about my family..."

"What's it like?..."

"What's what like?" Melody tilt her head, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Being in a family... what's it like?"

Melody! Where Are You?! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now