Chapter 2

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"How did you find me?! And what have you done with Erza and Annie?! Tell me!" Melody demanded again. Laxus, Layla (not Lucy's mom), and Laura look at her, panicked and worried. "That is none of your concern," The man says. "Grab her." He says to his companions. All of them launched themselves at the her within seconds, she quickly dodged all their attacks. Melody quietly muttered thanks to Grandeeney for letting her train with her whenever she pleased and for giving her a spell book, which held various Sky Dragon slayer magic. Melody quickly dodged all attacks thrown at her then started using hand-to-hand combat. All of them just stared at the girl, wide-eyed. "Grab the other three!" A man shouts at his companions, "If we those three we can get the girl!" Her head snapped back to the shaking family, "I won't let them hurt you, I promise..." Melody whispered. She gave them a closed-eyed smile as the ice bird she had made earlier put them on its back and flew them to safety, luckily it was able to do so just before the men got to them. The men turned to the girl and scowled and started to take out weapons. 'I hope they're okay... now focus, Mela, focus!' The girl whispered to herself but before she could look at them, she felt a sudden pain shoot through her right arm. Melody closed her eyes in pain, inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds then the pain fades, she opens her eyes again to see the men looking at her with smug faces. They were obviously happy to know that they caused the girl's pain. Melody disregards them, smiles, and shouts confidently, "Oh Swift Winds That Speed Through The Heavens! Vernyea!"


"This is getting ridiculous! Call for back up! We cannot lose this girl she can be considerably helpful to Lord Zeref!" The name rang in her ears, she shook her head, not believing what she was hearing. "You guys want to help the legendary black wizard, Zeref? I may not know lot about him. But... If your talking about the same guy I'm thinking about... The same guy that destroyed a whole nation, injured and killed countless of innocent people, for absolutely no reason?... You guys disgust me..." She said with so much venom in her voice that they all shivered involuntarily with fear, but then continued to attack her as if she hadn't said anything. They began to take out a magical weapon and started firing at her, she raised an eyebrow and smiled as if to say 'Really? Well if you want to play your way then we'll play your way.' An immense amount of magical energy starts to gather around her then it goes back to normal. The group of men look around curiously to try to find who released it but no one else was in sight, they turned to look back at the girl when she was suddenly right in from of one of them punching him vigorously with magic energy focused into her fists, making the blows worse. She turns to the other men and starts doing the same to each of them when suddenly, what looks like reinforcements show up. They looked at the girl, disappointment evident in their eyes, 'We have to beat up this puny girl? What could she do?' They muttered to each other accusingly. "Really? They're throwing their master came into the fight? I'm running low on magic power... This isn't good...I can't keep this up much longer..." Melody whispered herself as she dodged another spell from the guild master. She took her eyes off the man to block and attack but they took the chance and looked her out when she wasn't looking. She fell unconscious, crumpling to the ground.


"Hello?... Wendy?! Aleah?! Jellal?! Grandeeney?! Erza?! Annie?! Is anybody there?! Please answer me! Please don't leave me all alone!!!" She cried but didn't get a response all she could see was a pitch black darkness. Then all of a sudden a bright white light bursted into view and figures started forming in front of her, she blinked, "Aleah, Wendy, Jellal? I was so worried that you all had left me!" She said as she ran up and hugged them but before she could reach them they vanished into thin air, like dust in the wind. Seeing a blur of color in the darkness, she started to run towards it but it seemed as if the more she tried to get closer to it the farther it became. Then a girl appeared in front of her, Melody jumped back. The girl had beautiful fiery red hair with streaks of brown and sky blue hair, it was in a simple half-up, half-down hairstyle. "Who are you?!" She giggled, "Who am I? You'll find out soon enough." Her voice sounded so sweet and caring, almost like an older sister who was caring for her ill or injured little sister. "Hey! Tell me who you are! And where are Jellal and my sisters?! Do you know?!" She said nothing and just giggled again then she started disappearing, "Hey! Come back here!" Melody demanded, "You want to save your little 'sisters', you remember Erza ń lil Annie, don't you? You better wake up, before they get hurt." "What are you doing to them?! Where are you?! Come out! Stop hiding!" Her voice fades out into the darkness and is replaced by another voice, "...ody! Melody! Let me go! What did you do to my big sister?!" "Erza?" Melody mumbled, a bright light took over her vision, she closed her eyes and when she opened them again the guy in the mask had me slung over his shoulder, the same guys that attacked me. "Erza?" She muttered again as tried to move her arm but it didn't seem to cooperate with her, then out of nowhere there was an ear-pearcing scream. 'Nonononononono, please don't let it be who I think it is." Melody cursed under her breath, quiet enough for no one to hear her. "Aaahhhhhh!" "Erza!" "Stop it you're hurting her!" "Errrzzzza!" Melody's head snaps up, in the direction of the screams, she stares in horror. All sounds started to drain out, it was as if she had become deaf to all, but one sound, the sound that she'd hoped she'd never have to hear. "Erza!" She screamed, she loses all control over her body and kicks the man who was holding her in the back. Everyone in vicinity (area) became deathly silent as the sound of bones cracking and painful cries filled the tower. She didn't care. Her only concern was her 'sister', who was shrieking in pain as she crumpled to the ground with a thud that seemed to echo in the her ears for an eternity. She turned in the direction of the little red headed girl, who was still awake but was severely injured and had now collapsed on the ground. "Erza!" Melody exclaimed as she ran in her direction but only to be stop by more of the men who attacked her. "Move." "This kid ain't playin', but wait... what can she do? She's just a kid...I bet I can take her down on my own!" A man shouted. A little boy with blue hair shook his head and close his eyes, disbelieving what he was seeing was real. He opened his eyes, blinked and realized that Erza was hurt. He snapped out of his petrified state then ran over to help her. "Move." Melody repeated in a rough and deep voice. They shiver at the tone of the little girl's voice but didn't move. "What can she do? She's just one little girl! Attack her!" One of the men yells as he attempts to land a punch on her. She dodges it swiftly and threw his punch at him but with magic infused in her tiny fists. As soon as her attack connected with his face he flew into a wall in the back. "Anyone else?" She says in a low, intimidating voice. No one steps forward but instead cowers in fear. "Fine, if you won't come to me then I'll come to you..." She release her magic energy and without using her speed enhancement spell, her speed increases because of how much magic power she was releasing. They probably weren't able to see the girl, being vulnerable to her swift attacks. She let herself relax and turned to Erza's direction, starting to run to her and her friends. "Erz---!!!" Melody started to cry out to the red head as she ran but was unable to finish, "W-what i-is t-this?" She stuttered to say as she looked down at her stomach, only to see that she was pierced with some kind of spell. She use her magic to create a strong wind to stop the attacker's spell. She spit out the blood from her mouth and closed her eyes and clutch her stomach as she began fall. She winced, bracing herself for impact but nothing came. She slowly moved her hand to her wound to try healing herself, her hands started glowing a soft green-blue. She bit her lip in pain. "Capture them! Capture them all!!! Put them back in their cells!!!!" A man shouted. Boys and girls shrieked in fear as they attempted to run away. Melody closed her eyes, unaware of anything that was happening, due to the immense pain shooting through her body and blood loss.


"Hello? Anybody there?..." Melody whispered but received nothing, but silence. She started wandering aimlessly, until she saw light in the distance. She brought hee arm up to her face and closed her eyes, shielding them from the brilliant bright light. As the light started to fade away brought her arm back down opened her eyes but squinted at the new found light. "What are you looking at? I'm over here ya know!" She whipped her head around and stared at the owner of the familiar voice. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The woman starts feeling around her face for any crumbs or dirt but not finding anything she pouts and looks at Melody again, "Who are you?! Why are you here?! Wait---No, what happened to my sisters?! And where are they?!" Melody finally managed to say, or rather, yell at her. She put on a straight face and simply said, "I do not know the whereabouts nor welfare of your siblings and as for me, my name is- wait, I'll let you find that out on your own. Why am I here? That is for me to know and for you to find out." Melody stared at her in amazement and disbelief, "2 seconds ago she was pouting like a 3 year old now she seems completely unfazed even tho I just bombarded her with like 5 questions at the same time... wait what's with that mask, is it a fashion statement or something?..." The woman suddenly bursts out into laughter. "W-what?..." Melody questioned, bewildered at the sudden change, "Y-you do r-realize t-that-" She stops mid season to catch her breath while Melody continued to stare at her, curious and confused. When she finally catches her breath she starts to speak again, "You do realize that I can hear your every thought, right?" "MWO?!" (A/N: "mwo?!" [Or 뭐?! ] is Korean for "what?!") Melody shouted in shock and embarrassment while the woman chuckles. "Museun - wae - eotteohge?!" (A/N: Again, Korean "what-why-how?!" [Or 무슨 - 왜 - 어떻게?! ) Melody started but was cut off with more laughter. "Calm down, first off we are in your inner world." Melody tilted her head to the right. "Inner world?..." I
She asked, confused. "Hmmm... let's see of you understand it better like this..." She puts her finger to her chin thinking about a way to explain a inner world better so that the girl can understand it. "How about this?... basically we're inside your soul." "My soul?..." Melody repeated. "Yes, your soul is the core of your every being and I am apart of your soul, I am apart you." Melody gawked at her, as if she had just grown another head. "Then, why didn't my mom and dad tell me about it? And- HOW are you apart of me." "That's a story for another time but for now... it's time for you to go back to your 'sisters'." "W-wait!-" Melody started to say but the woman was already gone. The same bright light returned, and other voices were heard. "YOU IDIOT!!! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL THEM!!!" "I-im sorry sir, i-i j-just-" A loud slap echoed, silencing everyone as they looked to see what was happening. "Leave! And never show yourself to me again!" Melody opened her eyes and turned my head toward the light, squinting to adjust, then saw a man pushing another man outside. "You're awake!" A voice shouted somewhere to her left. "I'm sorry, who are you?..." Melody asked quietly. "Oh, right! My name is-"

Melody! Where Are You?! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now