Matt's Checkup and Cleaning

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"okay Matt, can you sit in the chair for me?" Louis said to me as I slowly walked to the chair. "If you don't mind, I'll be explaining something as Riley has asked many questions." "Okay, umm you promise to be gentle." I whispered as Louis placed a paper bib around my neck. "Have I ever not been?" He joked as he tapped my lip. "Open for me." I hesitated, but slowly I do. "Thanks bud." As Louis check my teeth, Riley asked questions about what he's doing. Soon, he takes his tools out of my mouth, but tells me that to keep my mouth open. "I need to take some x-rays, I think your wisdom teeth are growing in." Louis explained as he put the lead coat on me. "What really, I thought he had a few more years." Liam said worried. "Li, you should have gotten them out when we were 16." Louis explained concerned. "I would have him get them out before he got braces."
After my x-rays were done, Louis got very sympathetic. "Sorry buddy, but you need braces, which unfortunately means you need you wisdom teeth removed." Louis explained as I started to cry. "But there's no need to get worked up about it, I'll be doing it later in the week." As a result, I jumped up and into Liam's arms. "It's okay Matt, it's okay." Liam comforted as he hugged me and rocking me back and forth. "No it's not Li. You know it's not." I cried into his shoulder. "Matty, why you crying? Lou Lou promise to be gentle." Riley asked as Liam lifted me to put me into the chair. "It's hard to explain Riley, but I'll try to explain when we get home." Louis replied as I'm placed in the chair. "Okay Matt, I'll just have to do your cleaning then you'll be done." I nodded and open my mouth for him to finish up. He did the cleaning as quickly as possible before taking the bib off and letting me up. "K Riles, your turn." Louis said.

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