Bro Talk

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"Hey Li, I think you, me, and Lou need to have Bro Talk tonight." Matt said as the three siblings walked through the door. "Sure, but why?" Liam asked. "To talk about my current issue." Matt answered then ran to his room to do his homework. This left Liam very confused and interested in the outcome.
Later in Louis's room.
"Louis, Matt mentioned something about Bro Talk. Is there something we need to talk about?" Liam asked as he lend on the doorway. "Yeah, I'll go grab Matt and we can do it now." Louis answered before calling Matt into the room. Matt came in a few minutes later.
"So Li, you know how Matt needs his wisdom teeth out before getting his braces." Louis asked. "Yeah." Liam respond confused. "Well, you know you haven't gotten yours out." Louis explained. "" Liam said nervously. "Don't you think it's about time?" Louis asked. "Lou, I understand the importance, but I'm extremely busy right now at the office." Liam answered as Riley came in. "Oh I know. I'm talking about in about a week and a half. I'd rather have to deal with you two at the same time." Louis said as Riley cuddle up to him. "Okay. Fair enough." Liam sighed. "When did you get yours out Lou?" Matt asked as Riley looked up. "When I was sixteen." Louis answered as he stood up. "Now who wants dinner?" Louis asked bring the happiness to his brothers.

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