Chapter 4- Claire Willows' POV

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I was on Tumblr when I heard the door open downstairs. Yes! My mother was home! I ran down to ask her if I could go to Kath's house, but realised it was a bad timing after seeing her face. "H-hey mom... What happened?", I asked with a concerned expression. Her eyes were puffy and red as if she was just crying. "I-I just passed by the cemetery! And th-there wa-" "Shhh mom it's okay, it's alright", I cut her off, comforting her. This happens a lot because the route to Aunt Marzia's house cuts through the cemetery, where my sister and father are buried. Once when Aunt Marzia called us over, my mother started bawling her eyes out while we were driving and I had to take control over the steering wheel because we were going to crash into a tree. Ever since then we avoided going to my Aunt's house. But, since she's so ill, my mom had no choice but to help her sister. I was afraid of the same thing happening again. Thank god she's safe. When mom calmed down, she told me something that almost made me pass out. "Get ready Claire, our flight leaves in 2 hours", she said. "WHAT? Our flight? What the hell how did I not know this before?" I yelled. "I wanted to surprise you Claire. We're going to visit grandma and grandpa for 2 months in Australia", she explained. "Oh my god mom I didn't even pack anything!" I gasped. "You noticed clothes missing from your closet right? I packed everything you need, Claire. Now, your suitcase is in my bedroom. Go get it and let's go! It's 4:50 already", she said. I couldn't believe it. What about Katherine? I can't even be here to see the smile on her face when she goes to the party. I texted her right away. Kath I just found out I'm going to Australia! I'm so pissed right now cuz my mom didn't even tell me and now I can't come to help you with your clothes. I can't believe it!
I got a reply instantly. What?! ur kidding right? omg. well at least you get to go on vacation! be happy Claire! your grandparents live there right? MY clothes and party isn't as important... now go have fun! I sighed. She is so understanding. I felt guilty for not being able to help her, since she's my best friend and she's always there for me, even when I let her down. I grabbed my suitcase and handbag and ran down. My mother was already waiting at the door. I ran down the front steps into the car, my mother trailing behind me. *15 minutes later*  We got to the airport and ran since we didn't have much time to get to our flight. While I was running to put the luggage on the conveyor belt, I bumped into a man rushing for his flight too. And then I heard a group of girls squealing. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I heard him say. That voice was very familiar. Oh my gosh no! This isn't real. It's just someone who sounds like him that's it. I thought. I got up and said "Yeah I'm totally fine, I'm so sorry are you al-" I broke off in the middle of the sentence when I saw the man's face. "T-Tyler O-Oakley? Oh my god. I-I'm so sorry for bumpi-" I was interrupted by him saying "Oh it's totally okay girl" He was grinning. I almost passed out. "So, where are you going?" he asked. "I-I'm going to Perth, Australia to visit my grandparents" I stuttered. "No way! You're lucky then, I'm going to Perth too, to visit Troye", he grinned again. "This is our little secret okay? Don't tell anyone because I want the Troyler video to be a surprise", he whispered. "Oh my g-god o-okay! Y-you can trust me T-Tyler", I stuttered again. "Good. See you in Australia!", he smiled while he was running to board the plane. The group of squealing girls ran after him, asking for pictures and autographs. "Claire hurry u- are you okay?" my mother asked with a worried expression. "What? I-I'm fine mom. Let's go we're gonna miss the flight!" I replied. "Okay then... that doesn't explain why you were pale as hell", she said. I rolled my eyes and made my way to board the plane. After we found our seat, I saw minty green hair sticking up from the seat in front of me. Of course, I almost had a heart attack because I knew EXACTLY who the heck that was. "Hi T-Tyler. Remember me?" I tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh hi! Of course I remember you, we talked just 10 minutes ago!" he answered. "Wait I'm sorry I'm an idiot! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Claire Willows" I smacked my forehead. "Haha it's alright, Claire. Are you excited to meet your grandparents and stuff in Perth?" asked Tyler. "Oh yeah! And you must be excited to meet Tro-" I was cut off by the pilot telling us to keep our seatbelts on and the plane will be lifting off and all that stuff. "Well, Claire. I'll see you at the airport in 17 hours!" he said while putting his headphones on. I smiled. "Who was that, Claire?" my mother asked. "Mom! That was T-Tyler Oakley, you know? The youtuber I'm constantly obsessing over?" I whispered. "Oh wow! You're a lucky girl then to be meeting him here on a plane!" Mother exclaimed. I blushed. I can't believe I didn't ask for an autograph or a picture or anything. I must've been so nervous. I put my headphones on and put on a movie on the mini-TV thing in front of me. This is going to be along, but exciting 17 hours. 


I haven't been on a plane in years so I have NO FRICKING IDEA WHAT THEY DO THERE. I know everything is happening so quick in this! I can't slow it down now haha you have to read the next chapter and find out the rest. IT'S CRAZYYYYY! I know I might be missing stuff. :/ comment and VOTE!! It helps since I don't even know anything hehehe. BYEEEEEEEEEEEE I CAN'T WAIT TO REVEAL THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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