Chapter 7- Troye Sivan's POV

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Troye's POV

        I literally couldn't believe it. Tyler was here! HERE! I had this awkward mushy feeling inside with the thought in my head. Wait. I just forgot what I did. I felt so bad. I hadn't even talked to the girl after she passed out. She also seemed like a fan. I hate when my soft side takes over. I looked over at Tyler. He was talking to Sage about America and stuff. She better not embarrass me by saying something stupid, like I talk about him all the time. I was relieved when it became silent and Tyler was walking closer to me. "So, what are we gonna do first?" he asked, with a cheeky smile. "I don't know, you must be tired because of the jet-lag and stuff," I replied shyly. "Wait, Ty, did you know that girl? You know, the one that I bumped into?" I asked. "Oh yeah, we met at the airport and she came to Perth to meet her grandparents. Funny how she also bumped into me too. She's a big fan of yours and mine, but she was so calm about it," he explained. "Oh, I feel so bad. I kinda wanna do something nice for her," I whispered. "Well, maybe we could go out tomorrow or something. Oh I have an idea! I already followed her but maybe you can follow her on Twitter and like we'll DM her and go out for ice-cream and stuff," Tyler suggested. I thought that was a pretty good idea, but I just wanted to enjoy our time together at this moment.

        "So, Tyler, what do you think about going out for dinner? There's a really good restaurant here in Perth which you should really try!  Or you can obviously rest, you're the guest," Shaun, my dad, asked. "Thanks Mr. Mellet! I am kinda hungry, but we don't have to go right now! If you guys want, though," said Tyler. I sighed. He can be such a kiss-up sometimes. "Well, let's drop your stuff off at home and we'll get some dinner, alright?" Dad said, while getting into the front seat of our van. We had 6 people in our family, and now that Tyler was here, a van was really convenient. We drove for 5 minutes in silence until my whole family started bombarding him with questions. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed quite happy to be talking to them. Well, at least he's happy here. 

        When we reached home, I noticed Tyler's eyes widen. "What happened?"  I whispered to him. "Um nothing," he answered back. Weird. My family got out before me, first Sage and then the rest. I got out of the car and opened the trunk. I pulled his suitcases out. He followed out behind me. "It's okay, Troye, I'll bring them in,"  he offered. I shook my head. "I'll bring two of them, you bring the last one," I ordered. "Fine, if you wish," he smirked. I dragged them behind me to the front door and unlocked it. "Close the trunk before you come!" I called out to him. He gave me a thumbs up. I heard the thump of it closing and entered the house. Tyler was close behind me, closing the door. "Follow me, I'll take you to your room," I told him. We ascended the stairs, and then I took him to the guest room, right beside the washroom. I put his suitcases at the corner of the room. "Make yourself at home," I smiled. "Oh, I will," he winked. 


A/N: BUEDHWKJ THIS IS SO SHORT IT FEELS WRONG AFTER NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONGGGGGG OMG. WAIT THAT RHYMES HAHA... Okay this is like a mini update and stuff and I'm gonna make another chapter of Troye's POV since this was so short okay? okay. *smirk emoji* BUT I STARTED A NEW STORY CALLED "Burdened Shadows" AND I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THE FIRST CHAPTER OF ANOTHER ONE SO YEAH. THE THING IS, I GET REALLY GOOD IDEAS AND I START A STORY BUT I NEVER FINISH IT CUZ I EITHER GET A NEW, BETTER IDEA OR I GET BORED OF IT YEAH SORRY... But I will finish this one and my other one okie ily. ALSO COMMENT AND VOTE AND SHARE THIS WITH YOUR TROYLER SHIPPING FRIENDS (Or non Troyler shipping friends idk do whatever you want) OKAY YE BYE x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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