Chapter 5- Tyler Oakley's POV

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*Tyler's POV*

It's been about 7 hours since the plane took off. We landed somewhere again to switch the fight since there's no way there can be a direct flight from LA to Perth. Behind me I saw the girl, Claire. I love meeting my people since they're always so nice and I love seeing their reactions. I ended up at this restaurant with a whole bunch of other people waiting for the next flight. I sat down at one of the seats and just stalked people on Tumblr, as usual. I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Tyler, it's me, the awkward girl from the airport", I heard someone say. I looked up from my phone and smiled. "Oh hi! I remember you... Of course haha", I responded. "Wait, you don't mind me asking for a selfie do you?" Claire whispered. "Oh my gosh no! I'd love to! I was actually really surprised when you didn't ask for it at the airport. You did, I recall, see the group of girls at there?" I replied. "Yeah haha. I'm actually really shy like wow. I still can't believe I'm talking to you normally. I literally expected myself to stutter and then just embarrass myself in front of you. Not like I didn't already though haha. I'M STILL REALLY SORRY FOR FALLING ON YOU AT AIRPORT I FEEL SO BAD UGH!" she said. "You actually seem like a really confident girl. AND NO I'M THE ONE THAT RAN INTO YOU I SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING WOW." "What?! You're so nice like wow STOP IT. Do you wanna take the selfie now or... I'm not rushing you though like we can take it anytime you know...", she gushed. "Oh haha I'm like so sorry for blabbering so much let's take it now", I grinned. She took out her phone and held it up. I stuck my tongue out and so did she. It was a pretty  cute selfie to be honest. We took another one, this time both of us smiling. "Thank you so much like I can't even... Am I fangirling too much? I'm not like an obsessive fangirl okay don't hate me", she blushed. "What no! You're actually pretty cool, Claire", I answered back. "I still can't believe I'm so calm like you should have seen me when you direct-messaged me on Twitter. I freaked the flip out and almost threw myself out of a window! THE QUEEN TYLER OAKLEY SAID HE ADORES ME LIKE HOW COOL IS THAT?" she squealed. I laughed. I just love the reactions like wow. "I literally just heard the iconic laugh IN PERSON. Ugh I feel so awkward! I mean, I wanna be able to talk to you like a normal person, because you're so used to fans gushing about you! WHY AM I SO WEIRD?!" she cried. "You're not alone. WE'RE ALL HELLA WEIRD haha. And you ARE talking to me like a normal person! You're so calm and stuff and I feel like I'm talking to a friend. Wait, but we are friends now, aren't we?" I laughed. "Well if you can put up with my face right now, I would say we are friends! Oops I mean I would slay", she giggled. "So, did you hear from Troye yet? You must've told him that you're coming right?" she asked. "Yeah but I wanted to keep it a surprise! I don't know I was so excited that I skyped him and told him. It would've been so cool to surprise him though", I said. "What's your Twitter?" I asked. "It's @claire_w18 haha. And yeah you're right... Although Troye would go crazy if you surprised him though", she told me. "Haha I know, that's the point. I'm gonna follow you on Twitter, you're pretty cool", I said. "Oh my god really? Thank you!" She beamed. "Aww but isn't Troye sick? I hope he feels better. Wait, is there gonna be a troyler video?!" she asked. I winked. "Oh my gosh!" she gushed. "Claire! Clai- Oh" I heard someone yell. "Oh hi mom what's wrong?" Asked Claire. "Nothing, nothing. You just enjoy yourselves," her mom grinned. She walked away and sat at the table behind us, on her phone. "TRXYE is AWESOME isn't it? What's your favourite song from it?" Claire asked. "Hmmm... That's actually really hard to choose. I would have to say Gasoline. Since you know, it means so much to Troye," I answered. "Me too!" She squealed. I smiled. Awkward silent minutes passed. "Do you wanna go check out when our next flight is?" I asked. "Oh yeah yeah sure!" She said. When we went and saw the board, I was supposed to be disappointed but felt a little relieved. Claire smiled. I knew she was thinking the same thing.


A/N: I'M REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG!!! I'm excited for DA next chapterrrrrrrr. Don't worry, after this, things are gonna get interesting! TRUST ME I'M NOT THAT BORING LOL...




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