Chapter 2 - What if...

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Alfred, back in New York, struggled to put the key in the damn lock. His hands were shaking, his mind racing, as he recalled what had happened the day before.


"What are you doing in my bed?" Ivan asked. Well, more like demanded.

"I-I don't know. I hardly remember a thing from-"

"You know what, forget it." Ivan sat up in his bed. His broad shoulders blocked the sunlight flooding in from the window. "Get out," He spat.


"I said, get out! Капиталистическая свинья! Надеюсь, ты сгорел в аду!"


He had never seen Ivan so...angry. Cursing, screaming at him (albeit all in Russian). When Ivan reached for what Alfred can only assume was a weapon, he bolted out the door, his body screaming in agony.

Once the door was unlocked, Alfred trudged inside, shutting the door before flopping onto the couch face-first. He body still ached, but it was bearable. Either from lack of sleep, or from jet lag, the American fell asleep on the couch, hoping to wake up and have it all be some crazy dream.

Except, it wasn't.

Two months passed. Although there was no threat from the Soviet Union, Alfred couldn't shake this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, though it could be because he was nauseous all the time. Wake up, vomit. Eat breakfast, vomit. Go to bed, vomit. Breathe, vomit. He couldn't keep anything down!

He eventually called his brother, Matthew, to discuss (more like rant) his recent situation. The Canadian didn't mind. As long as someone realized he was in the room, he would sit for hours.

"So, you can't keep anything down?" Matthew questioned.

"Nothing except water, and even then I have to take little sips just to stay on the safe side" Alfred responded, not even bothering with the sandwiches Mattie made them.

"If you don't mind me asking, any mood changes or anything"

"Well..." Looking back, Alfred had been pretty emotional the past couple of weeks. "I guess so. Why?"

"Well, it'll sound completely stupid...but..."


"Your symptoms sound like that of a pregnant woman"


Translation: Капиталистическая свинья! Надеюсь, ты сгорел в аду! - "Capitalist pig! I hope you burn in hell!"

That may be a wrong translation, but I'm using Google translate so it's the best I can do

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