Chapter 10 - Just don't worry about it

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" some baby formula... from a store nearby. It should work..." he panted.

"You bought baby formula? And the store clerk didn't question it?"

"Well, I told him it was for my sister..."

"You ass."


The ride home was all a blur for Alfred, and truth be told, he didn't remember any of it. He slept most of the way there while Matthew took care of Anna. He didn't even remember Ivan carrying him up the stairs to his apartment in New York city. 

Alfred handed his brother the key and, with some help, made his way to the couch,  flopping onto the couch with a soft grunt. His body was still sore from childbirth.

"Um, America?" Matthew asked. Anna was sound asleep in his arms, still wrapped in the towel they stole- er, borrowed from the Meeting.

"What, Canada?" 

"Do you even have any baby stuff here? A bed, or clothes, or-"

"Down the hall, second door on the right. I've already set up the bassinet...thingy. Just make sure there's no toys in there or anything she could suffocate on."

"Got it. I'll uh, just go then," Matthew chuckled nervously, heading to Anna's new room. 

Alfred sighed softly, looking up at the silent Russki just staring at him from across the room. Ivan hadn't said a thing since the three of them had left the Meeting.

"What? Aren't you gonna say something? You've been awfully quite..." 

Ivan cleared his throat softly. "Sorry. I'm still kind of... shocked, about the whole thing. After... that night, I never would have thought I- we'd have a baby. How are you feeling?"

Alfred yawning, rubbing his eyes. "Tired. And sore." His stomach growled. "And hungry, but I guess that isn't new. I should probably make us lunch." He groaned as he stood up, slowly making his way to the kitchen. "What exactly do I have to make..."

"I can do it," Ivan offered. "You should rest. You've been through a lot this past week."

"I'm okay, really." That wasn't entirely true. Even Alfred didn't believe it. Even though Ivan said he didn't hate him, they were technically still enemies. Who's to say Ivan wouldn't take advantage of him being weak?

He didn't find much in the cabinets. When was the last time he went to the store?

"Guess we'll just have sandwiches. Better than nothin' I guess." He grabbed the bread from the cupboard. "You're not allergic to peanuts, are you?"

"What? No, I'm not."

"Good. PB and J it is." Alfred had to lean against the counter so he didn't collapse on the ground. "You can go wait in the living room. This shouldn't take long."

"I think I'd rather stay here. I had to carry you up the stairs, remember?" Ivan asked, making the younger nation raise a brow. 

"You did? I don't remember that." 

"Well, what do you remember?"

"Um... the last thing I remember was calling Canada an ass. After that, not much," Alfred confessed. " was Anna? Did she cry at all?"

Ivan shook his head. "нет. After Canada gave her a bottle, she fell asleep for the rest of the ride. You napped as well." He grabbed the peanut butter from Alfred and helped make the sandwiches.

"You're making lunch?"

Both Alfred and Ivan jumped. They hadn't notice Matthew walk into the room.

"Jeez, Canada, you're awfully quiet. Maybe I should put a bell on you," Alfred teased.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'll be okay. How's Anna?"

"Still asleep, although it's been awhile since she ate- drank? No, ate... whatever it would be. She might wake up soon. I can take care of her while you shower or nap or something," Mattie offered. Alfred just shook his head.

'Америка, stop being stubborn. You should rest. Or, at least take a bath." Ivan wrinkled his nose. "You smell."

"Well, you don't exactly smell like a basket of roses either, Russia." Alfred snapped back. "But fine. I'll bathe. But that's it. I'll sleep when it's night." He looked at the stack of pb &j sandwiches. There might be enough to have some for dinner as well, until he could go grocery shopping the next day. "Let's just eat."

The three nations sat and ate in total silence, Ivan and Matthew keeping a close eye on Alfred. Alfred would occasionally doze off, nearly dropping his sandwich once or twice... maybe five times.

"Hey um, Russia? I'm sorry for kicking your nose... how does it feel?" he asked. He watched as Ivan gently touched his nose and winced from the pain.

"It's... tolerable. Hopefully it isn't broken. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm more worried about you."

Alfred rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine, really. Nobody said childbirth would be easy."

"Nobody expected you to get pregnant in the first place. I'm surprised you can even stand, let alone walk." Matthew cut in. "And even then-"

"Can you stop talking about me like I'm some teenage girl? I'm grown, I can handle it."

"It would've been easier for a teenage girl..." Matthew mumbled under his breath.

"I'm just surprised you were able to hide it for so long. How did you manage to do that? None of the others knew, until I told them about it." Ivan asked.

"Weeeellllll, I kinda... didn't go to the meetings. Matthew went in my place. Most of them can't tell us apart anyway." In all honesty, that fact bothered him almost as much as it bothered Matthew.

There was a soft cry from the nursery. Anna was awake, hungry and in need of a change. Alfred stood up. "I'll go get her-"

"No you don't. You were going to bathe, remember?" Ivan stood up, brushing the crumbs off his hands. "Besides, she's my daughter too. It's the least I can do, since this is kind of my fault."

"Kind of?"

"Shush. Go take a bath."

Matthew walked past them. "I'll help him. Don't worry about it, America."

Alfred groaned softly. "Fine. But once I'm done I get to spend some time with her too. Even if it's just to change a dirty diaper." He couldn't help but smile. "She's so tiny. I just wanna protect her, you know?"

Ivan chuckled softly. "Me too."

Matthew smiled, heading toward the nursery. "She's adorable. Even for America's baby."



It's 3 in the morning. I should really go to bed. Enjoy lol

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