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Sherman had quite a lot of dreams, and after all these dreams, he could tell reality apart from dreams. One thing was for sure, he had many dreams that were this vivid and horrible but none were such a long dream, where he dreamed of riding in a car for two hours.

So he didn't try to wake himself up because this wasn't a dream.

The girl beside him, the one who called herself Miranda, had her head on the window with her mouth slightly parted. She was pretty, that wasn't hard to say. Even with her messy hair straying out of her ponytail and the heavy breathing she bore which could be called "snoring", she was quite pretty.

Miranda Gardner, a girl who he could only imagine was raised the way he was, yet so different. Having a father, someone to play catch with and be cool, teach you so many things. But with the most powerful gang/mafia in New York raising her, not living in a surrounding where she was made fun of for the race she appeared to be, she probably wouldn't get that.

Sherman found it confusing why he was picking on all her flaws while she was the person with a background impossibly similar to his. There was something about her that made him uneasy, whether that was a good thing or not. He didn't feel he could trust her—yet.

The car finally stopped shaking and August pulled the handle to his front door. "Hey, we're there."

He sighed and slightly nudged Miranda, who wearily opened her eyes.

"Miranda, we're here, we need to get off." He said, then coldly stepped out of his side of the vehicle, and followed August into the woods. Her footsteps caught up to them and she sighed.

"Is this the camp you told us about?" She asked.

"Yea, you'll see some of the people soon."

Sherman properly examined his friend's legs again, which he was still not used to while he kept expecting them to be in a pair of pants and high tops. He shook his head partly in amusement and saw him take out a pair of pipes. Blowing onto them, a few bushes cleared out of the way and he found himself staring at a huge gate, labelled as "Camp-Half Blood". The most surprising part was that he had no trouble reading this out to himself. Looking over at Miranda, she seemed to have the same expression.

A few people ran up to them and they all seemed a fair bit unimpressed. The first person was a girl, who was extremely buff and seemed to have thrown on a leather jacket over a pair of red pyjamas. She had wild curly hair and wasn't someone he wanted to mess with. They were all like him here, so he didn't want to push his luck. The second girl looked a whole lot nicer, she had milk-chocolate coloured hair and mossy green eyes, and she wore a bright green tank top. The other two people looked exactly alike, both wearing orange t-shirts. He found it quite amusing because they were all wearing the exact same sweatpants.

"What time is it? Did you have to bring in demigods at-" the first girl spoke.

"2:47 in the morning." Pointed out the green-eyed girl.

"Whatever Gardner."

"Are you two related?" Asked Sherman, who looked between the two girls. She shook her head.

"My last name is Gardiner," Miranda said quite coldly.

"Yea, mine is Gardner." She said.

"Gods we get it Gargoyle, you two aren't related until we figure out the parenthood of these two now can we just bring them to our cabin and sleep already?" Asked one of the twins.

"Travis, don't call me Gargoyle." The girl snapped. She seemed quite irritated at the blue-eyed boy, and something told Sherman this wasn't the first time he had annoyed her.

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