Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

Okay, so I am 14 years old, and no one has adopted me yet. I have been at this stupid orphanage for 5 years now and I've hated every second of it. Ever since my parents went to heaven, I've felt so lonely. No one to go to, no one to talk to. I'm not a normal kid. I don't do normal things like go to school, make long life friends and play sport. All I do is clean this stupid orphanage since I am "mature" and I have the most "experience". I don't have any friends here. All the other girls my age obsess over makeup, boys and stuff like that. As for me on the other hand, I prefer to be alone and listen to music. K-pop is my go to. I love bands like BTS, Got7, Blackpink and Twice but my bias group is BTS. I love listening to BTS as they are all so amazing! My bias is RM but V and Jungkook will wreck me. Anyways, the lady who looks after all the kids at the orphanage hates me. She wants to get rid of me. She thinks I'm dumb and that no one will ever love me. She makes me clean the place from top to bottom while she buys all of the other girls makeup and stuff. The only thing that she has ever gotten me was a cut-out photo of BTS from a telephone pole. As for the lady's name, I can't be bothered to ask what her name is. She is to irrelevant and snobby so I just call her lady. I hear her on the telephone in the kitchen and she is squealing like crazy. I wonder who she is talking to...

Orphanage lady's POV:

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGGG!!!!! I just received a phone call from bighit saying that BTS are going to adopt one of my girls!!! Arghhhhhh!!! I have to look pretty enough for the boys!!! Oh no, ohhhhh no. It just hit me that Y/N loves BTS...they better not adopt her. She doesn't deserve them. She deserves some homeless rat to look after her. Aish, tsk tsk tsk, I need to make sure that BTS don't make any eye contact with Y/N and that they don't talk to her. She better not get adopted by them otherwise I'll throw Jimin's jams out the window. I decided to call the girls down for breakfast to tell them the big news. 

"Good morning girls! I have some very exciting news for you all!!!" I tried to sound cheery but honestly I was extremely stressed out. "Today, 7 incredible men are coming to adopt one of you!"

The girls squealed so loud. I think one of the windows broke. I saw Y/N's face, she looked shocked. I think she knows that BTS are coming. Anyways, I told them that the 7 boys were in fact BTS and once again, more squealing. Y/N turned pale, what is her problem?! Her idols are coming! Why isn't she squealing?! 

Y/N's POV: 

WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?! DID SHE JUST SAY BTS ARE COMING?!? HOLYYYYY SHI..... okay I'm getting side tracked. Why would BTS want to adopt a moody teenage girl? That's weirddd. They're coming soon so I better start getting ready so I look somewhat presentable. I am meeting my idols after all. I went to the bathroom that I shared with the other orphans to wash my face and brush my teeth. I did my hair in cute dutch braids and then I went to my shared room to change. I settled on a cute black oversized hoodie but the only shorts I could pair it with had the BTS logo at the bottom. They were really cute denim shorts with the BTS logo on the bottom of the right leg.  Aishhhh, they are going to find out that I like them and they won't adopt me :( oh well, I'll just pray that they won't notice the logo. I applied some light mascara and I was good to go. All of the girls went to the living room to sit on the couch and wait for the boys to come. It's obvious that the girls are trying to impress BTS, they are all wearing wayyyy too much makeup and their outfits were super showy. Not exactly ideal for the boys to see, they will probably make the boys' eyes bleed. 

"Places everyone! Look cute for the boys!" I heard the orphanage lady say. 

I went over to the couch and sat as far away from the other girls as possible. I slouched on the couch, not really giving a damn in the world. I was just so ready for this whole thing to be over, the chances of me being adopted by my idols is none. But on the bright side, I AM GOING TO MEET MY IDOLS!!! I am super excited but also really nervous. My stomach was in knots, BTS, my favourite people in the world would be coming any minute now. I was just about to get my phone out of my pocket but then I heard the doorbell ring. I froze. BTS were behind that door. I can't, I can't!!! I went pale because I was so nervous. I felt faint. I heard the door open, and I heard the boys greeting the orphanage lady. HOLY GOD THEY ARE ACTUALLY HERE!!! Stay calm Y/N, stay calm. 


A few weeks ago, our manager told us that it would be a good idea to adopt a young girl to look after to teach us some responsibility. Well, today is the day that we are going to adopt a girl! I am very excited, and so are the rest of the boys. We are hoping to adopt a girl who is nice, mature, has some knowledge of who BTS are and is about 12-15 years old. Out of all the boys, I feel as if V is the most excited. He loves being around kids and you can just tell in his face that he can't wait to have a kid in the BTS dorm. We got ready, sat in the car and drove to the orphanage. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I will try to upload chapter 2 as soon as possible. 

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