One Month, Four Days, and Three Hours Before

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Everything has fallen to pieces,
Earth is dying
Help me Jesus     

For probably the two hundreth time that day, I paused my iPod and thoguht. But nothing stuck out. Nothing that could have lead to Ian in any way.

We need guidance,
We've been mislead,
Young and hostile,
But not stupid     

I ripped my earbuds out in frustration, giving up for the night.

I'd listened to the same song for almost a week straight. And yet, my mind was a complete blank slate. I'd sat down and evaluated every line, every word, every letter, probably about four hundred times now. And yet, absolutely nothing meant anything. I had no idea what Ian wanted me to get from the lyrics.

And I had no doubt that was the song. Without a doubt. That was our favorite song in high school. Anthem Part 2 by Blink-182. We listened to it all the time; it was the perfect rebellious teenager song. If we were mad at our parents, or at our families in general, we'd get together and blast that song from our rooms and break things and vent to each other. It was our song. It had to be what he meant.

So why was the answer not obvious?

The only thing that came to mind was how we got the name Smosh. Our friend was at a Blink-182 concert and was telling us a story about this mosh pit he got caught up in, and it sounded like he said "smosh pit," and the rest is history. But if that was the clue, there were a million different possibilites. Smosh was endless. It'd take me the rest of my life to go through everything related to Smosh. That couldn't be it.

The only other thing that would make any sense was the overall message of the song. How teenagers had no freedoms. But what sort of clue would that lead? It couldn't be that, either.

I had a feeling that would be one of the harder clues.


The hospital staff had called me every day at exactly six o'clock. I don't know, part of the whole suicide watch thing. Making sure I hadn't killed myself that day.

Other than that, my life had been extremely uneventful. Since I did the whole funeral thing, both my mom and Ian's parents had finally left me alone, and my friends seemed to take the hint that I really just wanted to be alone for a while.

It was nearly three in the morning when my phone started to ring.

And since I had actually somehow managed to fall asleep, my first instinct was to ignore it, but after squinting at the screen and reading the name in big white letters, just in case, my heart lept into my throat and I had never woken up and answered a phone quicker in my life.

My voice shook so badly on the way out, you would have thought I was in the middle of an earthquake.


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