One Week, Two Days, and Four Hours Before

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There was a long moment of silence as Ian's mother and father stared expressionlessly at me.

No one had said anything for a good thirty seconds. I wasn't really uncomfortable, and I didn't think they were either. We were just... absorbing the past few months.

"You really think he's there? Really?" 

"I'm positive," I responded, not even missing a beat. "I just know it. He's in Michigan. I'm gonna find him there."

Ian's mom nodded her head vaguely, but I had a feeling she believed me. Maybe she didn't want to admit it, to get her hopes up, but I could tell she at least wanted to have faith. 

"Please keep us updated while you're there," his dad said, his voice monotone.

"Of course." I nodded, looking hard at him. "That's not the only reason I'm here, though," I muttered, looking down at the table.

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath. I felt so ridiculous.

"I guess I just..." I shrugged, looking up. "I guess I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For like, everything. For being over here just looking through everything so much, for dragging this on so long, for protesting the whole funeral thing... And most of all, I'm sorry for getting your hopes up." I let out a shaky breath. "I really do believe he's alive, and I'm going to find him in Michigan. But, if he really is..." I shook my head. "I'm sorry. Thank you for putting up with all of this."

And for the first time in so long, I saw Ian's dad smile. Actually smile.

"I have no doubt in the world that he's whever you say he is and you're going to find him."


Tomorrow morning, I had the earliest flight to Michigan possible.

I was finally ready. I had mended everything: Tuesday, I had gone out to dinner with all the friends I had neglected and just had a nice time together, and last night, I had rounded up the entire Smosh crew and thanked them for making those years of my life better than I could have ever imagined.

And, for the first time in what felt like forever, I almost felt happy.   

My parents got along again. I had replenished all my fading friendships. I had made sure Ian's parents and I were on a good note.

And I knew I was so close to Ian.

I almost felt him with me, like if I went down to his room right then, he would be there, just lying in his bed. And I knew soon he would be. 

That night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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