2 days of heaven

419 23 10

YN woke up to take a shower, did her hygiene and put on some sweats.

~YN pvo~

I walked to the extra bedroom to check on Roc.....but he wasn't there.So I went down stairs and got him with an amazing smell of bacon, eggs , grits, and hash browns. I heaf to the kitchen and saw Roc.....with a towel around his waist and he was cooking. ...I tried to  sneak off un-noticed but I bumped the shelf.

Roc:*laughing* you ok *walks over and picks you up* 

~YN pvo~

I was looking at his bare chest in amazement. ...I was in a total daze



Roc:you good right. ..? 

YN:umm yea....great.  why you naked in my kitchen. ...*trying to play it off*

Roc:well those clothes you promised last night, I never got them*notices you starring* you like.....*smirking*

YN:yes lord......umm I mean I like your tattoo. let me get those clothes. 

Roc:I thought you was getting to like seeing me half naked. ...? *standing over you*

YN:you wish*getting away*

Yn heads back down stairs and gave Roc the clothes. 

Roc:thank you, your food is on the table*kisses forehead*


Roc:np but it's 12:01....we got class today....ok.

YN:oh yea that reminds me can you be my partner. ..?

Roc:......what about ......*cut off*

YN:please*pouty face*

Roc:ok ok yes.

YN eats, Roc get his clothes on and y'all go to the studio....class goes by fast .

YN:thank you for being my partner. 

Roc:any time, thank you. 


Roc:being YN and being beautiful. 

YN:*blushes and hugs him*

you drive home and do your hygiene and go to sleep

-The Next Day-

~YN pvo ~

i woke up in sooooooo much pain I had THE WORST CRAMPS imaginable. ...I could barely walk let alone dance......I just wanted to sleep so I did.

around 12:45 Roc text me

-text messages-

Roc-everything ok .

YN-not really

Roc-what's wrong. ..?

YN-.....woman issues.... :(

Roc-oh :( im sorry

YN-I will live

Roc-ttyl igtg

YN-ok bye

Roc-bye beautiful

-30 mins later-

The door bell rang.YN slowly and painfully walked to get the door and she opens to find Roc with a bunch of bags.

Roc:hey*set them inside at the door*

YN:hey what you doing here. ...?

Roc:im here to help out my friend*smiles, picks you up (bridal style like you asked)

YN:put me on the couch please. 

Roc:ok*setting you down*

YN:what's with the bags.....?

Roc goes to them and pulls out your favorite foods and a heating pad...

YN:*tearing up*.......y...you remembered....

Roc:of course I did*kisses forehead, plugs in heating pad, cuddles close with you and hands you the bags of foods*

YN:thank you soooo much*kisses check*

Roc:anything for you *kisses forehead*

who should you she pick......Digg....or Roc? ????


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sorry for any mistakes.

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