It's You {Chapter 1}

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Colby's POV

I could hear yelling. Fighting. Grunts. Everything that makes this place go crazy. Not that we aren't already.
I stood up from the hard mattress of my small room. Stumbled clumsily around the tiny wooden desk towards the heavily armed door. I gripped onto the thick bars blocking the useless window and looked outside in the hallway.
I saw Sean do the same.

Put in the asylum by his grandfather after he killed his ex girlfriend.
Diagnosed: Depression, Bipolar
Age: 18
Height: 5,10
Blood Type: A-
Eye color: Black/Dark Brown
Hair: Blond and messy
Body weight: 150lbs
Scars: none

Sean's room is the one directly in front of mine. It's not always a pleasure to wake up to his conversations and annoying smirks.

He looked at me through the bars and opened his mouth in order to start talking.
"Just shut up Sean" I said under my breath, but loud enough so he could hear me.
Banging and screams immediately put me out of my trance once more and the boy and I both shifted our glance to the left of the hallway.
There was a girl. She was being dragged in by 3 guards.
What kind of girl needs 3 guards?
She looks so small. So tiny like she could break simply by the touch of a finger but here she was, being held tightly by 3 strong security men, trying to throw her in one of the pity of cells that they call rooms in the girl's ward, without being hit dead.
She was yelling. Begging for them to let her go. Her voice went from begs to anger. No she wasn't angry. She was furious. Enraged. She started kicking them in the shin or trying to free herself from their grip, but it was useless once the third guard got a grip of her waist and picked her up in order to stop her from fighting back.
I looked into her eyes. I thought maybe I could try to read her. But no. Instead. She looked back.
Instantly, she calmed down. Her muscles relaxed. She'd undone the fists on her hands. Her mouth was left open slightly but all she did was stare back.
I gasped slightly and let go of the bars.
Breath taken by her eyes. Not one single emotion. She was blank. There's nothing I could get out of her from these small instants, and that was probably the most frustrated I'd been in a while.
I knew, that somehow.
I had to see her again soon.

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