It's You {Chapter 37}

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I'm back after a long long time of not updating this story. Hopefully writer's block won't come visit again in a while. Hoping you'll enjoy :)

Faith's pov

A crash awoke me as i was being shook around, i sat straight up with a gasp and looked around me. Everyone seemed calm. I looked to my left out the window, we'd just landed.

I sighed out of relief and put away my stuff back into my backpack.

I'd fallen asleep after takeoff and was glad that i had. I was rested even though my neck and back hurt quite alot. I stretched as much as i could and laced my shoes. I slipped my hoodie on as the ac made it cold in here.

About 30 minutes later we were able to start getting off the plane. I was silently waiting for my turn and nodded a goodbye to the stewarts as I walked out with my bag.
I strolled down the hallway to find an exit. I didnt have any baggage to pick up luckily.

I looked around once i was outside, the air was fresh and it was raining.

I was finally in London. The trip had been long but it was worth it. As I stepped down the road not really knowing what to do or where to go, I remember what I was here for.

I still had no idea where Colby could be.

Colby's pov

I had to find a way out of here, I knew there had to be a way out, with these chains around my arms however it would be really darn complicated.

I felt like shit as usual. How could I not.

Strangely, the room seemed way more luminous, like there was another lamp turned on, or whatever light source coming from somewhere, but I couldn't see from where.

I sat up and blinked a few times so my vision could clear up slightly more.

There was a hole in the ceiling. It was tiny but I could see it.

Faith's pov

I grabbed the small phone from the smaller pocket of my bag and dialled the number Lily had given me.

It rang for a few seconds and then I heard her sweet voice through the line,

"Faith! Is that you!?"

I giggled quietly at her excitement as the rain was pouring over me

"yeah it's me. I just landed, I'm in london, I made it"

"Omg! Im so happy! Do you know where you're staying?"

"not yet, im gonna look for a place when i hang up" my voice is calm

"hold on, Sarah wanted to talk to you when you called"

I smiled at the mention of the young girl's name. It warmed my heart to get to talk to the two of them even if it was only for a few minutes.

Suddenly a squeal and giggles of excitement made its way to my ears, I smiled even brighter


I giggled again

"hey there"

It was her turn to giggle and my eyes teared a little

"are you in london?" she asked calmly now

I wiped my eyes and nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me

"I am angel, i am" my voice was slowly breaking

"Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in her tone

"Yeah, yeah i am, just tired" I tried to control myself as much as I could

"Okay, well I love youuuuu, be careful out there" she said sweetly

That was it for me and I sniffled quietly

"Bye" I couldn't say anything else before I'd break down into cries so I hung up.

I put the small object away and closed my eyes as I leaned against the brick wall behind me.

I cried quietly, just letting the rain wash away the tears sliding down my face, burning my cheeks. I needed to let it out. I was pretty much weak, but keeping it in was only making me weaker, and to find Colby, I couldn't be weak. I had to be strong.

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