It's You {Chapter 12}

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Faith's pov

Colby opened a much larger door. It lead to the stairwell. I looked down at my knees and back at Colby.
« What's wrong? » he asked lifting my chin up.
« Nothing » I put on a fake smile so he'd let it go.
« Alright. We have about 4 flights of stairs. Will you be able to do it? » he asked
« Of course » I lied.
He grabbed my hand again and started walking up the stairs and I followed him.
After the first few steps I could feel my legs giving out already. My breathing accelerated but I tried my best to keep calm.
When we were done with the first flight I struggled keep walking. It was dark. I couldn't see anything. Colby guided me through the halls to the other staircases. I trusted him. My ankle twitched and I hissed but I stayed as quiet as possible. Suddenly Colby let go of my hand. I was left in the black. I waved my hand around me looking for him but I never felt him anywhere. A few seconds without him felt like actual hours and I started to panic.
« Colby? » my voice was shaky. I was pretty scared.
I tried walking forwards, but my ankle twitched again and my knee gave out making me bend down suddenly to catch myself.
« Where are you.. » I whispered between hisses.
I heard his footsteps coming back towards me. I sighed and let my head fall towards my knees.
He placed his hands under my small body and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he started walking again. My breathing slowed down.
« Why's your heart beating so fast? » he asked me.
Because you were gone you idiot! That's what I wanted to say, but instead I didn't answer.
He reached the stairwell and reached for the railing to get a better grip on me. I let my head rest into his neck. I felt the warmth of his skin. He went up the second flight. Then the third. The fourth, and we were finally there.
He sat me down and slipped something out of his pocket. He opened a small bag and revealed a key. He slid it inside the lock and turned it around a few times. He creaked the door open and looked inside.
He came back to me and picked me up like earlier. I liked it. He stepped inside the room which was actually the roof. He walked over to the edge and set me down delicately. He sat down next to me and I let my body lean against his. He pointed at the sky.
« See all these starts up there? »
« They're beautiful » I answered.
He looked back at me with a smile.
« But I only see one » he said.
I looked at him confused.
He poked my nose
« I only see this one »

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