The Question

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"So have you ever wonder how Exo's can digest stuff?" I ask

"What do you mean?" a friend of yours ask

"Like where does it go? do they dump it all out in the trash, or do they actually use the bathroom?"

"I'm not to sure on it myself (Y/N) why don't you ask Cayde-6 or Banshee-44 for that type of stuff"

"I don't know, its kind of weird.. even thinking about it is weird."

"I see"

Your friend made their ghost apear as your friend sigh.

"another mission?" I ask

"Yup, I'll be back soon don't worry, In the mean time just ask one of them,-- Oh and have your Ghost record the conversation please"

Your friend stands up as he walks backwards

"Catch you later" Your friend said as they disappeared into the air

"Whelp, who is the closest Exo here," I look onto my map to see Cayde-6 right around the corner.

"Guess I'm going to him first" I said as I made my way to the Hangar

-In The Hangar-

I made my way to the Exo Vanguard Hunter

"Oh hello there Guardian, Need another map?" Cayde-6 said

"Not really, it's actually regards to a question that I'm curious about" I said,

"Well nothing is stopping you, whatdaya want to ask me?"

"Well.. When Exo's eat.."


Cayde-6's eyes are filled with Wonder

"Do well.. um, Where do you put the food?" I ask

"Where do I pu-- In my...mouth? that's where I put it where else?" Cayde-6 stated

"No no..what I mean is.. after you eat the food, where does it go next?"

" stomach? Guardian are you okay?''

Cayde-6 is starting to look a bit worried

"Do you.. Ugh... it's to weird to ask" I said covering my face with my hands

"No, no, No. You have to tell me now, I'm Curious. Tell me I beg you"

Cayde-6 said, not knowing what to do next I then say

"Do Exo's throw out the food they eat in their stomach, or do you use the bathroom?"

It took Cayde-6 a moment to realized what you have just ask

"oh my god that is a weird question" He said

"wait you don't know?" I ask


After that we both starting laughing our heads off.

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