Join me: Part 2

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"i just hope you don't make the wrong choice." a lost voice said.

That last voice was the last thing in a mind of mine that i remember, I open my eyes, As i look at at Exo

"G....Guardian.. Your Awake!" He said

You had join leave and never come back, Your not a Guardian..Come to ME

I smiled gently at the Exo, I tired standing up on my own, but he was able to help me, those closes gun to me was his..

"Uh... i was wondering.." i spoke

"Yes Guardian?" The Exo said,

"what happened before?"

"You were off with a fireteam of your friends, but he didn't come when you all was supposed to meet up, it seem those Guardians left you behind

for some purpose. And a which was about to Harvest you.. like what they did on Titan.-- BUT That is Looong Gone now, you are at the tower, you are

safe, Sooo don't you worry"

"It's kind of funny..."

A Small Shadow covered my eyes, making my face look darken.

"Ah....What is? did i miss a jok--- oh no i don't got it, tell me"

I held on to the Exo more Tighter leaning against him for support

"The (y/n) You knew is long gone by now" i said

I was Smiling Evilly as i swiftly took the Exo's Gun and shot him right at his chest, I ran over to an ledge of what seems to be the Hangar,

as a lady talks in a radio about a Guardian who shot the Exo who is named Cayde-6. Everything went slow, I held Cayde's gun in my right hand,

as i look into Cayde's robotic eyes, It was full with terror, and betrayal. The shot Exo, stood up slowly, as his Ghost heal him.

"(Y/n) Get back here, With my gun" Cayde said

"What did i told you? (Y/n) Isn't here anymore..." I said as my eyes glow brightly...Brighter than a Awoken.

"W..What did you agree too....What did you do?"


I lastly said as i jump off the ledge and zoom off passing the tower walls inside my spaceship.

-time skip-

I bring out my ghost in front of me, he was scared and shaking.

"(y-y/n)....?" My ghost ask...

"No. call me....The Darkness That broke your little Guardian here..and oh boy, they was desperate to get out of they're own mind...they're mind was full

darkness, No wonder i took control easily" i said

"If your not (y/n)..then where are they?"

I tapped my forehead,

"If this 'Guardian' of yours, they will break free from my mind, that's been swirling with Dark thoughts..And now, that i have Darkness...And The Light by my side...hehehHaha...i have became more..powerful.. I would tell you this once, and I'm sure you would listen if i was you, your kind of now both are being held captive. You HAVE TOO revive me if i died, or if im hurt, You can not teleport out of my sight with out being ask too, and you will give me any information i want when i ask too. Disobey me, and little (y/n) here..well would have the feeling of torcher..or whatever evil ruins down my mind..maybe summon the hive... to kill (y/n) over and over again intel their sanity breaks. We don't want that..right"

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