We need a Plan

654 13 9

You are trying to find a plan for Zavala to take it easy for a little while.

"Hey there (Y/n)" a friend of yours said to you

"Oh? finally your back, I swear you basically live in orbit" I said

" Ha. Ha, very funny."

"see I knew I was influenced by Cayde-6"

"I see, anyway enough with the side talk what did you need?"

"I need you to distract Zavala for me, can you do that?"

"What for, I have to have something in returned" He smirked

"Ughh fine, you can have 10 of my...Masterwork cores."

-Your friend goes up to Zavala-

"Sir..Zavala?" My friend ask

"yes Guardian? Did you need anything?" Zavala said

"well yes, I well um, need help getting to know the area, It's a bit hard with me keeping up with everything.. new around so I was wondering if you could help me.. and Um do a small tour around the new Tower"

"Oh, Yes I do not mind, Come this way"

-Zavala leads Your friend away as they went into a different area-

You walk over to where Zavala keeps all his documents in his small private work area.

"Okay lets see if I can ease him off of work for a while" I said

After looking at the desk Zavala owns, There was paper covering the whole top like one big huge blanket. I separated the papers into small piles. The Traveler, Who is going to be the new speaker, Food supplies, new cargo going in, Parts of the tower still being constructed, and many more other things, After doing Paperwork about the light and such..

"Guardian what are you doing?" Zavala's Ghost said.

"O-Oh.. um I was trying to let Zavala ease up a bit because he has so much paperwork" I said

"If that is the case please let me help you, I would do it myself but.. I don't really have any hands"

"Pff.. really?"

"yeah..come on lets get started"

After doing some more paperwork, writing and writing some more, as if the paper work never stop, The Ghost and I fell asleep right on the desk.

"Guardian.. what are you doing in here?" Zavala said loud and clear

His voice woke the both of us up right away.

"I...was...uh-- Doing your paper work..sir" I said

"Ghost come here, Now." Zavala spoke

Zavala's Ghost obeyed and disappeared into the air

"Thank you Guardian, You are now dismissed" He said

I nodded my head and left his small headquarter knowing that he will rest easy tonight.

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