Chapter 1

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Situation Simulation Version 1.0
Program: Distortion.

Camp Campbell was having a typical day. The sun shone naturally through bright white and fluffy clouds. Birds twittered cheerfully as they flew over the camp... And were hit by rocks. Upon a second glance, we see the normally chaos inducing trio relaxing for once on the lakeside, and Nikki has been armed with a slingshot. The bird she shot falls onto dry land, as did the first 4. Neil furrows his brow as she retrieves the 5th bird she shot down.

"Nikki, would you mind not shooting every flying thing you see? It'd be nice to do some birdwatching later."

"Neil, don't you get it? If I don't collect these birds, then if the camp falls apart, we'll still have food!"

"Yeah Neil. Because it's definitely teetering on the edge of collapsing \very/ soon."

Max lays on his back, watching Nikki shooting down birds, but still feeling bored... Not to mention a pit in his stomach telling something is going to go wrong soon. Very, very wrong.

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