Paranormally Idiotic

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Static fills a tv screen, the only thing visible in a pitch black room. The audio and visuals slowly boot up, terrible at first, but then suddenly increase with a few tapping sounds from the recording. The visuals clear to show a blonde with icy blue eyes in a white hoodie with a purple logo of a place called the Cryptonomica. He's in the middle of a dark wooded area, with a flashlight he's shining around and then holding like a microphone.

"Alright, alright- is this thing on? It better be, I didn't spend $100 bucks on a camera for it not to be. Ah, well, hopefully, even if there's no video, the audio should definitely be on. Alright, well, without further ado, welcome Parahunters, to the Lake Lilac forest. Rumors have been circling that the infamous Mothman has shown its form again, right here in this very forest. Now, I have been tasked with catching it on film, and I plan to do exactly that."

The sound of branches snapping is heard, along with footsteps fleeing. He's startled, but is quickly on his feet and chasing the sound, the camera cradled in his arm and aimed in the direction that he's headed. He's dashing recklessly after the sound, but breaks into a clearing after a while, which makes him pause. Once he does, he realized he lost the sound and groans in distress, until he spots a table with a lone Solo cup sitting on it.

He approaches, setting the camera in a way that observes him and the cup as he stands there studying it. In the background behind him, there is a bit of humanoid movement, as though someone behind him wanted to stop him, but was scared to do something. This is followed by the stupidest thing he's done so far, which is to dump the whole cup down his throat. He seems fine for a moment, until he seems to start choking, and then a figure with deer horns and moth wings grabs him from behind and drags him out of the shot.

The film keeps rolling, and after about 40 minutes, a much smaller figure with brown hair, wearing a magician's hat and covered in flowers enters the frame, unaware of the camera until it suddenly looks at it. After a moment, the thing reaches out, and the film clicks off.

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