Truth Hurts

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Gasping, it was hard to breathe. Vision, blurred but not blind, he could see forms above him that are seemingly attempting to save his life. Eventually, he felt a burning pain in his lungs and began passing out from the lack of air, and surely whatever he drank wasn't helping him. He felt someone pressing on his stomach as he was blacking out, and whoever it was smelled like forest and dirt and other earthy, natural scents. Somehow, he found the scent comforting enough that he slowly started passing out.

He felt warm and still tired, as he slowly regained his senses. He felt hands wrapped around his wrists, and a dizzying scent is occupying the room. Pine trees and dirt, but sweet fragrances as well, intoxicating and sharp, keeping him dazed. He groans in pain, shifting slightly, and seemingly waking the form holding onto his wrist.

"Oh! It worked, thank goodness..."

The hands around his wrist carefully let go as he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, and he was concerned about it until he realized it was simply from him waking up. He reached to his throat and felt bandages wrapped around the entirety of his neck. He looked to the person that had been staying with him and was immediately stunned to see large moth-like wings and deer-like antlers sprouting from the humanoid figure that was seemingly taking care of him while he was unconscious.

"Uhm, hello? Can you hear me?"

He then realized that the strange ginger had been trying to talk to him, and nodded quickly. He's still observing the oddities of the being before him. They smile softly and hand him a cup full of tea, then stand up and move for the door.

"Drink that, wake up, and take your time. You're still healing and your body is still adjusting, so I recommend taking it slow. I have to go watch the kids and make sure they aren't killing each other. Come outside once you feel stable enough to comfortably walk."

Daniel nodded softly in response, and took a sip of tea, only to be pleasantly surprised by a taste of sweet honey and sugar. Not tea, but some similar mixture that soothed his throat. He hadn't even realized the pain in his throat until the concoction was soothing it. So he sat, taking in the situation as he finished his drink.

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